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《灵界经历》 第6023节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6023

6023. About those who hold separated faith

When those were separated from heaven who had had a faith that was separate [from charity], the number of which was enormous, they then appeared at the back in the west, so that from there they might welcome many to lead them astray. Certain of them appeared like goats, certain others like dragons, but all were below the heavens and just above the land there. And they were removed from there little by little, in proportion as they were surrounded by others who had a life of faith, about whom they complained; but in proportion as they became surrounded they then withdrew more and more, because they were pained by the newcomers who had a life of faith. Their leaders went on ahead and turned toward the desert where there was scarcely anything green, only sand pits and rocky cliffs, which correspond to a religion like this. They were taken away from there by turns: certain ones to be instructed, certain others into hells, depending on their life.

After several days I noticed that those who had faith separate [from charity] affiliated themselves with evil spirits and with devils. When this came to light, a visitation took place due to their having affiliated [with these] because they were opposed to living rightly, which the angels were speaking about among themselves. And when they were discovered, they argued sharply in support of faith, [saying] that it is the source of justification, and that through the way one lives comes nothing. But when it was shown to them that all are allotted heaven according to their life, and that all religion is a matter of life, and that spirits or angels are such as is the quality of their life, and that this alone is examined, knowing that their faith is such [as their life is]; then, having been convinced, they were banished and came to those who had a life based on their faith, with whom they wanted to affiliate themselves. But these said that they appear livid as cadavers and that they saw nothing of life in their faces, on which account they were not received. Then a chasm was opened into which they went down, it appeared dark and toward the front there were rocks, saying that there are only rocks in front and behind, but that there is a valley between the rocks, where there is some grass, where their dwellings are. Others went down there who had been above, for most often there is a higher expanse of those who are similar. Most of them were church leaders, and they said at first that there they perceived nothing of truth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6023


When those who were in faith separated, of whom there was a vast number, were disjoined from heaven, they then appeared at the back in the west, in order that, from there, they might stir up many to seduce others. Some appeared like he-goats, some like dragons, but beneath all the heavens, and immediately above the earth, there; and they were removed thence by degrees, according as they were surrounded by others who were in the life of faith - about whom they complained. According as they were surrounded, however, they receded more and more, because they were distressed by the newcomers who were in the life of faith. Their leaders went before, and proceeded to desert places, where there was scarcely a bush, but only sandpits and rocky wastes, which correspond to such religion. In turn they were taken away thence - some to be instructed, some into hells, according to their life.

After several days, I observed that they who were in faith separate, conjoined themselves with evil spirits and with devils. When this became manifest, visitation took place, and it was perceived that they had conjoined themselves, because they were opposed to life. The angels talked together about this; and when they [i.e., the faith-alone spirits] were taxed on the matter, they argued fiercely in favor of faith, that justification was from it and not in the least by life. But when it was shown them that everyone is allotted heaven according to his life, and that all religion is of life, also that a spirit and angel is such as his life is, and that that alone is examined, - it being known that his faith is such [as that is], - then, being proved to be in error, they were removed, and came to those who were in the life of faith, with whom they wished to associate themselves. But these said that they appear livid, like corpses, and that they see nothing of life in their faces: wherefore, they were not received. Then was opened a chasm, which appeared dark and had a rock in front. Into this they descended, saying that the rocks are only in front and at the back, but between the rocks is a valley, where there is some straw. Their dwellings are there. Thither descended the others who had been above them; for there is very often an upper expanse of spirits. They were most of them clergy, and said, at first, that they there perceive nothing of truth.

Experientiae Spirituales 6023 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6023. De illis qui in fide separata

Quando separati sunt e coelo illi qui in fide separata fuerunt, quorum ingens numerus fuit, tunc apparuerunt a tergo in occidente, ut inde exciperent plures ad seducendum, apparuerunt quidam sicut hirci, quidam sicut dracones, sed infra omnes coelos, et mox supra terram ibi, et removebantur inde paulatim sicut aliis qui in vita fidei circumdati fuerunt, super quibus questi sunt, sed sicut circumdati recesserunt magis et magis, quia angebantur ab advenis qui in vita fidei, duces illorum praeibant, ac tendebant in deserta loca, ubi vix virgultum, sed arenaria et rupeta, quae correspondent tali religioni. Per vices inde desumti sunt, quidam ad erudiendos, quidam in inferna, secundum vitam.

Animadverti post aliquot dies, quod illi qui in fide separata, conjungerent se cum spiritibus malis et cum diabolis, quod cum manifestatum est, visitatio facta, et perceptum quod ideo se conjunxerint, quia contra vitam essent, de qua angeli inter se loquebantur, et cum deprehensi sunt, disputabant acriter pro fide, quod inde justificatio, et nihil per vitam, sed cum ostensum illis est, quod unusquisque sortiatur coelum secundum vitam, et quod omnis religio sit vitae, et quod spiritus et angelus talis sit qualis ejus vita, et quod solum illa exploretur, scientes quod fides ei talis sit, tunc convicti removebantur, et veniebant ad illos qui in vita fidei erant, cum quibus voluerunt se consociare, sed illi dixerunt, quod appareant lividi sicut cadavera, et quod nihil vitae in illorum faciebus videant, quare non recepti, tunc aperiebatur hiatus in quem descendebant, qui apparebat obscurus, et antrorsus rupes, dicentes quod modo rupes sint ante et a tergo, sed quod vallis inter rupes, ubi aliquod gramineum, ubi eorum habitationes: illuc descenderunt alii qui supra illos fuerunt; nam plerumque est expansum superius e similibus: fuerunt plerique antistites, dicentes primum, quod ibi nihil veri percipiant.

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