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《灵界经历》 第6022节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6022

6022. About Papists

The papists also send out emissaries to attract and lead astray all whom they meet, they send them even to the reformed, but they are given a beating. They also sent two to Czar Peter of Russia, which two knew how to slip into his passions.

They were also at this time assembled in consistory, which is overhead in the south, where there were cardinals in a chamber behind them, as they were before. There were many in the consistory and in the chamber behind them, but because they associated with devils for the purpose of annihilating those whom the Lord protects, they were destroyed. Those who are in the chamber behind them were sent out through a cave into hell, and also many other associates who are above them in a higher place. And those who were in the consistory were scattered and hurled into their own hells.

[The papists] assembled likewise on the mountains in the west toward the southern region. The hills upon which they were were overturned, so that the higher became the lower. So they also were hurled into hells, for the reason that they had been in a society committing this evil together with those in consistory. This happened in February 1762; similar things happened by turns until the lands round about and at last their own are occupied by the faithful.

The religious council in the west toward the north still exists.

There was also an overthrow of those who had assembled in the north toward the east, because they too had gathered together in committing this evil.

Besides this in the west and the higher mountains there are papists who are not evil. There is also a pope there who acknowledges that the Lord has all power, and he is kept in place. This is also in order that newcomers from the world who there adore the pope may be received.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6022


The Papists also send out emissaries to entice and seduce all whom they come across; even sending to the Reformed; but they are punished. They also sent out to the Muscovite Russian Czar, Peter, two who knew how to insinuate themselves into his passions.

They were also now assembled in the Consistory, which is overhead, in the south, where the Cardinals were, as before, 1in a chamber behind them. There were many in the Consistory, and in the chamber at their back but, as they allied themselves with devils to slay those whom the Lord protects, they were destroyed. Those who were in the chamber behind them, were sent away through a cavern into hell, and also many of their fellows who were above them, in a higher place: those, also, who were in the Consistory were dispersed, and cast into their hells.

They [i.e., Papists] likewise assembled themselves upon mountains in the west, at the southern quarter. The hills upon which they were, were overturned, so that the upper parts became the lowest. Thus, also, were these cast into hells; for the reason that they had been in league with those in the Consistory, for perpetrating that evil. This happened in Feb., 1762; and similar things happen, from time to time, till the lands round about, and the houses belonging to them, are occupied by the faithful.

A council is still held in the west towards the north. There also occurred the overthrow of those who assembled themselves in the north towards the east, because they, too, associated themselves in the perpetration of that mischief. Moreover, in the west, in a higher place, are papists who are not evil where, also, there is a pope who acknowledges that all power belongs to the Lord, and is preserved: this is also in order that newcomers from the world may be received, who adore the pope there.


1. See n, 5229.

Experientiae Spirituales 6022 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6022. De Pontificiis

Pontificii etiam emittunt emissarios ad alliciendum et seducendum omnes quos offendunt, etiam ad reformatos, sed plectuntur; etiam emiserunt duos ad Caes. Petrum Moscov. qui sciverunt se insinuare in passiones ejus.

Congregati etiam nunc erant in consistorio, quod supra in meridie, ubi cardinales in camera post illos, ut prius, erant, plures erant in consistorio et in camera post illos, sed quia cum diabolis se consociaverunt ad perdendum illos quos Dominus tutatur, ideo destructi sunt, illi qui in camera post illos per antrum emissi sunt in infernum, et quoque plures ex consociis qui supra illos in altiori, et illi qui in consistorio dissipati sunt, et conjecti in inferna sua.

Similiter congregarunt se super montibus in occidente ad plagam meridionalem, colles super quibus erant subversi sunt, ut superiora ima facta sint, ita quoque in inferna conjecti, ex causa quia in societate patrandi id malum fuerunt cum illis in consistorio, hoc factum est 1762 Febr. et similia fiunt per vices usque dum terrae circumcirca et demum illorum occupantur a fidelibus.

Synedrium in occidente versus septentrionem adhuc perstat.

Eversio etiam facta est illorum qui in septentrione versus orientem se congregarunt, quia etiam se consociaverunt in malo illo patrando.

Praeterea in occidente in altiori loco sunt pontificii non mali, ubi etiam papa, qui agnoscit quod Domino omnis potestas sit, et conservatur, etiam ut recipiantur advenae e mundo, qui ibi papam adorant.

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