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《灵界经历》 第6025节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6025

6025. About those who deny the Lord's Divine

About Adlerstierna's sister and her husband, and about M[aria] Polhem 1

I spoke with those who said that they had very assiduously studied theology and also how to live; and I believed from their life in the world that they would be saved more than others because they had studied piety more than others, thinking about Divine things, speaking about them, and living in accordance with their thinking and faith. But I was surprised that this was not true of their happiness in the other life, consequently I spoke with them. They said that they had denied the Lord's Divine, in consequence of which they called the holiness of the Word, especially of the Evangelists, into doubt. Therefore it was said to them that as a result they had never been able to receive any truths from heaven. These proceed and flow in solely from the Lord through the Word, and in the Christian world especially through the Word of the Evangelists. I added that to deny the Lord's Divine and to despise the Word is a sin against the holy spirit. The holy spirit is the Divine truth, that is, the Word teaching the Lord's Divine nature. They were examined as to whether they had any truths, and it was seen that they did not have any, and when they acquired any truths, they were turned into falsities: as for example concerning works, that they [are to be done] not on account of the Word, but out of civil and moral considerations, likewise concerning the holy supper and many other matters. I said to them that it is not good to devote oneself to theology and piety unless the Lord and the Word are acknowledged.

[2] I realized, having seen and heard it, that their arms were powerless, so that they swung back and forth in all directions like pendulums, they were as if poverty-stricken, hardly receiving nourishment, which they wondered at, and I realized that they had heard falsities from others which they had adopted, but that they could not give them up.

[3] Sometimes it is given to them to be in a certain society into which all the reformed who are able to live a moral life are admitted; and for the sake of their being instructed about truths. As long as they can lead a moral life in outer respects, they are tolerated, but when they begin to lead others astray through false principles, they are thrown out of it. In this society the inward elements of thoughts are closed, as before in the earlier heavens.

[4] They believe that the Father alone is God, separate from the Son; and they either see the Father on high, or there were answers from a certain spirit, either good or evil, who says he is God the Father. It is as a result of this that they fall into falsities all kinds.

[5] They said that they had not comprehended redemption by the Lord and had therefore denied it.


1. See footnoted information on her in passage 4729.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6025


I spoke with these. They said that they studied theology and life with the highest zeal, and, owing to these [habits] in the world, I expected that they would be saved more readily than others, since they studied piety more than others, thinking upon Divine things, speaking about them, and living according to their thoughts and faith; but I marveled to find that it was not so in respect to their happiness in the other life. I therefore spoke with them. They said that they denied the Lord's Divine; whence it came to pass that they called in question the holiness of the Word, especially of the Evangelists. They were therefore told, that, owing to this, they could never have received any truths out of heaven. These proceed, and inflow only from the Lord through the Word; and, in the Christian world, principally through the Word of the Evangelists. I added, that to deny the Lord's Divine, and to despise the Word, is to sin against the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Divine Truth, that is the Word, teaching the Lord's Divinity. They were tested as to whether they had any truths; and it was seen that they had none; also, when they obtained any truths, they were turned into falsities. In like manner as regards their works, it was seen that they were not done for the sake of the Word, but for civil and moral considerations. Similarly respecting the Holy Supper, and many other things. I told them that to apply oneself to theology and piety, is of no avail, unless the Lord and the Word be acknowledged.

It was perceived, seen and heard, that their arms were destitute of strength, so that they swung dangling in every direction; also, that they were in extreme poverty, receiving but little food, at which they were astonished; and that they heard from others falsities which they embraced, but could not recede from them.

Sometimes, they were allowed to be in a certain society into which all the Reformed who can live a moral life are admitted; also for the reason that they may be instructed concerning truths. When these are able to lead a moral life in externals they are tolerated; but when they begin to seduce others by false principles, they are cast out from thence. In that society, the interiors of the thoughts are closed, as previously in the former heavens.

They believe that the Father, apart from the Son, is the only God; and they either see the Father on high, or receive a reply from some spirit, either good or evil, who says he is God the Father. It is owing to this that they fall into falsities of every kind.

They said they did not comprehend redemption by the Lord, and that therefore they denied it.

Experientiae Spirituales 6025 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6025. De illis qui negant Divinum Domini

De sorore Adlerstierna et ejus marito, tum de M. Polhem 1

Loquutus sum cum illis, qui dixerunt quod summo studio studuerint theologiae, et vitae, et credidi ex illis in mundo, quod prae reliquis salvarentur, quia prae caeteris studuerunt pietati, cogitando de Divinis, loquendo de illis, et vivendo secundum cogitationes et fidem, sed miratus sum quod ita non esset cum eorum felicitate in altera vita, quare loquutus sum cum illis, dixerunt quod negaverint Divinum Domini, unde factum quod sanctitatem Verbi, imprimis Evangelistarum, in dubium vocaverint; quare illis dictum est, quod sic nusquam aliqua vera potuissent recipere e coelo, illa unice procedunt et influunt a Domino per Verbum, et in Christiano orbe imprimis per Verbum Evangelistarum, addidi quod Divinum Domini negare et Verbum contemnere sit peccare contra spiritum sanctum. Spiritus sanctus est Divinum verum hoc est Verbum docens Divinum Domini; explorati num aliqua vera habuerint, et visum quod non aliqua, et cum nacti aliqua vera, versa sint in falsa; prout de operibus, quod essent non propter Verbum, sed civilia et moralia, similiter de sancta coena, et pluribus aliis, dixi illis, quod non bonum sit incumbere theologiae et pietati, nisi agnoscantur Dominus et Verbum.

[2] Perceptum, visum et auditum quod brachia illorum essent absque viribus, sic ut pendula motitarentur quaquaversum; tanquam in egestate essent, parum victus accipientes, quod ipsi mirati sunt; et quod audiverint ab aliis falsitates quas captaverant, sed quod ab illis recedere non possent.

[3] Datur illis quandoque in quadam societate esse, in quam admittantur omnes reformati, qui moralem vitam vivere possunt, tum ob causam ut instruantur de veris, illi quando possunt moralem vitam in externis agere, tolerantur, at cum incipiunt seducere alios per principia falsa, inde ejiciuntur, in illa societate clausa sunt interiora cogitationum, ut prius in coelis prioribus [ref].

[4] Credunt quod Pater sit Deus solus, separatus a Filio, et Patrem vel vident in alto, vel responsa fuerunt a quodam spiritu vel bono vel malo, qui se dicit Deum Patrem esse, ex eo st quod in falsa omnis generis labantur.

[5] Dixerunt quod non comprehenderint redemptionem a Domino, et quod ideo negaverint illam.


1. vide 4729

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