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《灵界经历》 第6029节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6029

6029. About those who do not think about the Divine at all, but still do not deny it

There are certain who do not deny God and do not deny the Word and the doctrine of the Church, but still do not think about them at all because they constantly immerse themselves in worldly matters, as for example (Gr[ev] Fers[sen] 1). These in the other life dwell in places under the earth somewhat in the distance, and there they are inwardly tormented, as by piercing pains. They have people to comfort them, but to no avail. These give them cream of milk and something to eat, and entertain them with concerts and theatrical performances, but still the piercing pains in their minds remain. They give themselves duties, but still the pains come back; they change places, but it is the same there. They give themselves jobs, [and] work, but when finished, they relapse into those torments. So they lead a miserable life. The reason is because they have no relationship with heaven or with hell.


1. Count Frederic Axel von Fersen (1719-1794).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6029


There are some who do not deny God, or deny the Word and the doctrine of the Church, but still do not think anything about them, because they immerse themselves continually in worldly matters, as, for example, Count Fers[en]. In the other life, these dwell in places some distance under the earth, and are there inwardly tormented, as if penetrated with pains. They have comforters, but all is in vain. These give them cream of milk and eatables, and entertain them with music and amusements, but still the poignant sufferings of mind remain. They assign them duties, but their sufferings constantly return. They change their locality, but similarly suffer there. They betake themselves to duties and labors but, when these are finished, they relapse into those pangs, so that they lead a wretched life. The reason is because they have no conjunction with heaven, nor yet with hell.

Experientiae Spirituales 6029 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6029. De illis qui non cogitant aliquid de Divino, sed usque non negant illa [vide 6027: 2, [19]

Sunt quidam qui non negant Deum, nec negant Verbum, et Ecclesiae doctrinam, sed usque nihil cogitant de illis, quia immergunt se constanter mundanis, ut (Gr. Fers.) illi in altera vita degunt in locis sub terra aliquantum remote, et ibi interius anguntur, sicut pungerentur doloribus, illis sunt consolatores, sed incassum, dant illis cremores lactis, et edulia, tum per musicalia et lusoria delectant illos, sed usque dolores pungentes animi manent, dant se officiis, sed usque redeunt, mutant loca, sed ibi similiter, dant se officiis, operis, sed cum finiuntur in angores illos relabuntur, sic ut miseram vitam agant: causa quia non illis conjunctio cum coelo, nec cum inferno.

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