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《灵界经历》 第6030节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6030

6030. How the powers of magic and sorcery and the like are taken away from the evil

All those who have been elevated to high positions or wealth in the World by cunning practices and consequently have convinced themselves that Divine providence does not control the details or [exercise control] in other ways, and as a result have believed that cunning practices can accomplish more than providence, in the other life, since they have believed little in the Divine, learn how to operate using correspondences in various ways, certain by artificial garments or turbans, or by various motions of their limbs, or by directing their gaze to certain regions where they know there are societies corresponding to their intents, and by so doing acquire the ability to do as they desire; others operate by using sayings from the Word to motivate societies, and by a thousand other ways that are more or less magical. They believe that they can and do produce the desired results in the degree that they acknowledge them. Ernstrom was one who was more cunningly skilled than others in such things. He and those like him are led to a certain fiery sulfurous quagmire (so it appears), and there such things are taken away from them by dreadful torments, They are sent into places corresponding to such things and dreadfully tormented there, and are then driven to confess them all, both the societies and their intents. And at [the confession of] each, they were tormented to the point that they had entirely no desire for them, so they as it were banished them of themselves, and did this in the case of every single one. There were about a 100 such he was forced to make known and of himself got rid of in this way. This is the manner in which those evils are taken away.

Afterwards, when they are raised from there, they appear as if not in their right mind, without any joy in life, so they are like those who know nothing and don't want to know. Ernstrom was like this; and he confessed what kind of belief he had had about God. It was made up of falsities.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6030


All those who have been exalted to honors, or emolument, in the world through artifice, and have in consequence persuaded themselves that Divine providence does not govern the little details, or something else, and who have hence believed that arts are of more avail than Providence; - these, since they had believed but little in the Divine, learn, in the other life, to operate by correspondences in various ways. Some learn to do this by means of garments or turbans, devised according to their art, or by various motions of the liquids, or by directing the sight to certain quarters where they know there are societies corresponding to their intentions; and thus to procure to themselves [the power] of doing according to their pleasure. Others learn how to stir up societies by means of sayings from the Word, and by a thousand other modes which are more or less magical. They believe that they have ability and power, so far as they acknowledge these things. There was Ernstrom, who manipulated such things more cleverly than others. He and similar ones [were seen by me] near a certain gulf of burning sulfur (such was the appearance); and, there, such things are taken away by means of dreadful torments. They are there put into places which correspond to such things, and are dreadfully tormented; and they are then compelled to confess all those things, both the societies and intentions [they have resorted to]; and, at [the mention of] each, they were tormented until they did not in the least desire them; so that they as it were rejected them of themselves and this with every single one. There were about 100 such persons whom he was compelled to detect, and removed from himself in that manner. In this manner those evils are taken away.

Afterwards, when they are raised up thence, they appear as if not in their right mind, and without any enjoyment of life; thus like those who know and wish to know nothing. Such was Ernstrom and he confessed what faith he entertained about God: it was one of falsities.

Experientiae Spirituales 6030 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6030. Quomodo malis auferuntur magica et praestigiae et similia

Omnes illi in Mundo qui per artes ad honores aut lucra evecti sunt, et inde sibi persuaserunt, quod non providentia Divina regat singula, aut aliter, et qui inde crediderunt quod artes prae providentia valeant, qui cum Divinum parum crediderant, in altera vita addiscunt agere per correspondentias vario modo, quidam per artificiales vestes aut cidares; aut per varias motiones membrorum, vel per determinatum visum ad certas plagas, ubi sciunt societates intentionibus suis correspondentes dari, et sic comparare sibi [facultatem] faciendi secundum lubitum, alii per dicta e Verbo excitare societates, et per mille alios modos, qui sunt minus et magis magici, illi credunt quod tantum possint et valeant quantum illos agnoscunt, erat Ernstrom, qui artificiosius aliis talia calluit, ille et similes ad voraginem quandam igneo sulphuream, (ita apparentem) [ducuntur], et ibi talia per cruciatus diros auferuntur, mittuntur in loca correspondentia talibus ibi, et dire cruciantur, et adiguntur tunc confiteri omnia illa, tam societates quam intentiones, et ad quamvis cruciabantur usque dum prorsus illa non vellent, ita quod sicut rejicerent a se, et hoc circa quamlibet, erant circa 100 tales ad quas detegendas adactus est, et a se eo modo removit, ita auferuntur illa mala.

- Postea cum inde elevantur apparent sicut non compotes sui, absque aliquo vitae jucundo, ita sicut illi qui nihil sciunt et volunt scire, talis erat Ernstr�m; et is confitebatur quam fidem habuerit de Deo, quae falsorum.

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