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《灵界经历》 第6032节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6032

6032. The inflow of good from the Lord accomplishes nothing if a person does not do good as if of himself

About faith

This was often said to spirits. Nevertheless, so that it might be proved, it was granted to a certain evil spirit to be led, from heaven, to doing good things. He did in fact do good things, but because he did not do them as it were from himself, he was like a person led by another, almost like an automaton that indeed is moved but still does not receive anything. By this was it was shown that there is no reception, appropriation, or conjunction produced by goodness that a person does not receive from himself in his will, or with affection, for the Lord is the acting agency and the person the reacting one. If the reacting agent receives without a reaction as it were from itself, the inflow of good passes through and the person becomes no better than before. This contradicts those who separate faith from charity.

[2] This can also be illustrated also by this: an evil spirit cannot be withheld from evils except through punishments. 1

Cederstedt 2was one who did what is evil and he wanted to withhold himself from it because he feared punishment. But since the evil agreed with his nature, he was unable to withhold himself, because he was tempted in a variety of ways, since he was immersed in evils to the point of loving them. But when punishment is inflicted, he is brought to the point that he does not will what is evil, and when he does not will it, he then casts the evil away, that is, the society that has an evil of a similar nature; the society is then separated from him, but only up to the time when he no longer has a fear of punishment. This also is the reason that there are punishments in the spiritual world. From this it can be concluded that a person cannot be introduced into any heavenly society unless he voluntarily wills what is good or flees what is evil.


1. At this point in the margin is the word, "punishment"

2. Jonas Cederstedt (1659ֱ730) in 1713 became a councilor in the College of Mines.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6032


This was often told spirits. Nevertheless, in order that it might be confirmed, it was granted a certain evil spirit to be led, from heaven, to do goods; he also did goods, but as he did not do them as of himself, he was like one who is led by another, almost like an automaton, which indeed is moved, but still receives nothing; by which was shown that there is no reception, appropriation and conjunction, through good which man does not receive in his will, or his affection, of himself; for the Lord is Agent, and man re-agent. If the re-agent receive without re-action as of self, the influx of good passes through, nor does the man become better than before. - This is in opposition to those who separate faith from charity.

This may also be illustrated by the fact that an evil spirit cannot be withdrawn from evils save by punishments. There was Cederstedt, who did evil, and wanted to withdraw himself from it, because he feared punishment; 1but, since the evil accorded with his nature, he could not withdraw himself, as in various ways he tried to do, because he was in evils as to his love. But when punishment is inflicted, he is then so far coerced by the punishment, that he does not will evil; and when he does not will it, he then, of himself, casts away the evil, that is, the society which is in the like evil; which society is then separated from him, but only until he is no longer in fear of punishment. This, also, is the reason why there are punishments in the spiritual world. Hence, also, it may be concluded, that man cannot be introduced into any heavenly society, unless he, from the will, desire good, or flee evil.


1. In the margin: "Punishments."

Experientiae Spirituales 6032 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6032. Quod influxus boni a Domino, nihil faciat, si homo non faciat bonum sicut a se

De fide

Hoc saepius dictum spiritibus, ut tamen confirmaretur, datum est cuidam spiritui malo duci e coelo ad bona faciendum, is etiam bona fecit, sed quia non fecit illa sicut a se, erat sicut quidam qui ducitur ab alio, paene ut automaton, quod quidem movetur, sed usque nihil recipit, per quod ostensum, quod non receptio, appropriatio et conjunctio sit per bonum quod homo non voluntate seu affectione sua recipit a se, nam Dominus est agens, et homo reagens, si reagens recipit absque reactione sicut a se, transit influxus boni, nec fit homo melior quam prius. Hoc contra illos qui fidem separant a charitate.

[2] Hoc illustrari potest etiam ex eo: quod malus spiritus nequeat abduci a malis nisi per poenas, 1

erat Cederstedt qui malum fecit, et voluit se abducere ab illo, quia timebat poenam, sed quia malum concordabat cum ejus natura, non abducere se potuit, quod tentavit variis modis, quia in malis fuit quoad amorem; at cum poena infligitur, tunc per poenam eo usque adigitur, ut non velit malum, et cum id non vult, tunc rejicit a se malum, hoc est, societatem quae in simili malo est, quae societas tunc ab illo separatur, sed modo usque dum non amplius in timore poenae est: haec quoque causa est, quod poenae sint in mundo spirituali. Inde etiam concludi potest, quod homo non introduci possit in aliquam societatem coelestem, nisi ipse ex voluntate velit bonum aut fugiat malum.


1. Sidebar: Poena

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