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《灵界经历》 第6031节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6031

6031. From these things it is clear that an evil cannot be removed unless it is first called out, and the person does not will it, so first such societies are removed from them.

[2] And it is clear that a person ought to reject evils from himself, and unless [this is done] of himself that evils are not removed, which is contrary to the opinion of those who believe that works accomplish nothing, but rather faith alone. They also believe that God pardons all sins without any cooperation on the part of the person, when nevertheless without his cooperation no evil is removed, for unless wounds are opened they cannot be cleansed.

All punishments in the hells are for no other reason than that evils may actually be opened and known; and those [who do them] are punished to the point that they do not will them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6031

6031. From these things it was manifest, that no evil can be removed except it be first called forth and the man do not will it. Thus are such societies first removed from him. It is also manifest that man must reject evil of himself and that, except he do it of himself, evils are not removed; which is contrary to the notion of those who believe that works are of no account, but faith alone. These also believe that God forgives all sins without any co-operation of man; when, nevertheless, without his co-operation nothing of evil is removed; for wounds cannot be healed unless they be laid bare. All the punishments in hell are for no other reason than that evils may be actually exposed and known; and they are punished until they do not will them.

Experientiae Spirituales 6031 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6031. - Ex his patuit quod malum aliquod non removeri possit nisi primum evocetur, et homo nolit illud, sic primum removentur ab illo tales societates.

[2] - Tum quod homo ex se debeat rejicere mala, et nisi a se quod mala non removeantur, quod contra illorum opinionem est, qui credunt quod opera nihil faciant sed sola fides, illi etiam credunt quod Deus condonet omnia peccata absque ulla cooperatione hominis, cum tamen absque ejus cooperatione nihil mali removetur: nam vulnera nisi aperiantur non possunt sanari.

- Omnes poenae in infernis non ex alia causa sunt, quam ut actualiter aperiantur et sciantur mala, et puniantur usque dum illa nolunt.

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