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《灵界经历》 第6039节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6039

6039. About thought from truths where there are falsities, about Luther

I spoke with Luther and noticed that he wanted to think against faith alone, but I realized that he could not because falsities filled his thought; they blocked it. An aura of thought full of falsities provided evidence in support of faith. They did not admit the entrance of truths opposed to it; so falsities must be removed first before truths enter, which he also noticed and from this reflected on the reason why he still held them although he had heard so much that was against them that he even had acknowledged: and when he wanted to remove the falsities, he realized that the delight of his love, coming from the fact that he had thought them up and defended them, prevented this, that this too, had to first to be removed. He was brought from one society to another and also into the one there that held the truth, but he was unable to stay there because it went against his pride's delight. He said that he had prayed to God that he might understand and demonstrate truths, but he was given the reply that it would be given if he could receive it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6039


I spoke with Luther, and observed that he desired to think in opposition to faith alone. But I perceived that he was not able, because falsities filled the thought and prevented it. The sphere of thought seemed filled with confirmations of faith, which did not permit the entrance of truths in opposition thereto; so that falsities must first be removed before truths enter. This he, also, observed; and, on that account, he reflects upon the reason why he should still be in those falsities, although he had heard so many things which were contrary to them, and which he had also acknowledged. And when he desired to remove the falsities, he perceived that the delight of love, arising from his having invented and defended them, prevented; wherefore that, too, must also be first removed. He was borne from one society to another, and also to that one where he was in truth; but he was not able to stay there, because it was contrary to the delight of his pride. He said that he had prayed God that he might understand and manifest the truth, but that he received answer that it would be given if he were able to receive it.

Experientiae Spirituales 6039 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6039. De cogitatione veri ubi falsa, de Luthero

Loquutus sum cum Luthero, et animadverti quod vellet cogitare contra fidem solam, sed percepi quod non posset, quia falsa implebant cogitationem, inhibebant, visa est sphaera cogitationis plena confirmationibus fidei, quae non admittebat ingressum veritatum contra illam, sic ut prius removenda sint falsa, antequam vera intrent, quod etiam ille animadvertit, et ex eo reflectit, super causa, cur adhuc in illis esset, tametsi audiverat tam multa quae contra illa, quae etiam agnoverat: et cum vellet falsa removere, percepit quod jucundum amoris ex eo quod illa invenerat, et defenderat, inhiberet, quod id quoque et primum removeretur; ferebatur ab una societate in alteram, et quoque in illam ubi in vero erat, sed non potuit ibi morari quia erat contra jucundum fastus ejus; dicebat, quod oraverit Deum ut veritates intelligeret et manifestaret, sed quod ei responsum esset, quod daretur si posset recipere.

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