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《灵界经历》 第6038节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6038

6038. About rather large rats

There are rather large rats that can simulate good affections, in face, tone of voice and gesture, so that someone else would know absolutely nothing other than that they were very pious and very chaste. This was even exhibited before priests, before whom they held a book, and they displayed great devotion in their gestures and their eyes; and they looked to a good society and took their doctrinal teachings from it; and lastly they inflated the priests' feeling of devotion and piety so that could they scarcely could believe otherwise than that the simulators were like this, when nevertheless they were to a great degree devils.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6038

6038. RATS.

Those who are rats, are able to feign good affections by the countenance, tone of speech and gesture, so that another would not at all know otherwise that that they were most pious and chaste; and this was shown before priests, in whose presence certain ones held up a book, and fashioned their countenance and eyes to great devotion, and looked to a good society, and drew forth doctrinals therefrom; and, at length, they breathed into the priests' affection of devotion and piety, so that they could scarcely believe otherwise than that they were of such a character; and yet they were devils in a great degree.

Experientiae Spirituales 6038 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6038. De muribus majoribus

Sunt mures majores illi qui possunt simulare affectiones bonas, vultu, sono loquelae et gestu ita ut alter prorsus nesciret aliter quam quod piissimi et castissimi essent, ostensum etiam hoc est coram sacerdotibus, coram quibus tenebant librum, et ad devotionem multam effigiabant vultum et oculos, et spectabant ad societatem bonam, et inde deprompserunt doctrinalia; et demum inflabant in sacerdotum affectionem devotionis et pietatis, ut vix aliter credere possent quam quod tales essent, cum tamen in magno gradu diaboli.

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