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《灵界经历》 第6045节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6045

6045. About the mental image of God

I have spoken with certain ones about God, about their believing that God is everywhere, and that that consequently they have no need to direct their sight to God in a place, as they say. But it was replied that the Divine proceeding is everywhere, just as the heat and light from the Sun is everywhere, because the Divine proceeding is also God. However, to want to turn oneself to an indefinite place as a result of this idea is to acknowledge nature rather than God and also become foolish and go round in circles in thinking, with the result that all mental sight perishes. On this account almost everyone is given to see a certain one sitting on high clothed in noble brilliance and is allowed to worship him as God the father, because in the world most of them have had an indeterminate mental image of the Father, because He is not visualized in any form. This [picture] is given to them so that their mental image may have a focus, and they do not go entirely out of their minds. In other places Wellingk 1, in fact sometimes Satan, appears to others as God the Father, which is also permitted on account of people's insanity as regards the mental image of God. Certain of them see the Son of the father not far from this fictitious Father. He obeys what the Father says.


1. Count Mauritz Wellingk (1651ֱ726) was a prominent person in Swedish politics.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6045


I spoke with certain ones concerning God, and remarked that they believe that God is everywhere, and that therefore they have no need to determine the sight to God in a particular place, as it is said; but it was rejoined that the Divine Proceeding is everywhere, just as the light and heat from the sun are everywhere and that, since the Divine Proceeding is, God also is: but to wish, by means of such an idea, to turn themselves where [He] thus [is], as being without bounds, is to acknowledge Nature as God, and also to become foolish, and shackled as to thought. Afterwards, all the intellectual sight, [becomes so]: wherefore, it is granted to almost everyone to see some one sitting on high, splendidly attired; and it is permitted to worship Him as God the Father, because the majority have had, in the world, an indeterminate idea of the Father, because He must not be seen under any form. This is granted them, in order that their idea may be determined, and they may not become quite demented. To others, God the Father, as it were, appears in other places. [It is] Wellingk. Yea, sometimes, Satan [appears]; which, also, is permitted on account of men's insanity as regards the idea of God. Some see, not far from that pretended Father, a Son of the Father, who obeys what the Father says.

Experientiae Spirituales 6045 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6045. De idea Dei

Loquutus sum quibusdam de Deo, quod credant quod Deus sit ubivis, et quod sic non opus habeant determinare visum ad Deum in loco, ut dicitur; sed respondebatur, quod Divinum procedens sit ubivis, sicut lux et calor ex sole est ubivis, quod quia est Divinum procedens est quoque Deus, sed per talem ideam velle se convertere ubi sic indeterminatum, est agnoscere naturam prae Deo, et quoque fatuus fieri, ac rotatilis quoad cogitationem, sic perit omnis visus intellectualis; quare datum est paene cuivis videre quendam in alto sedentem indutum splendide, et permittitur illum adorare ut Deum patrem, quia plerique de Patre ideam indeterminatam in mundo habuerunt, quia sub nulla forma videndum; hoc datur illis ut determinetur idea eorum, nec prorsus delirent, aliis apparet sicut Deus Pater alibi, Wellingk, imo quandoque Satanas, quod etiam permittitur propter insaniam hominum de idea Dei; quidam vident Filium patris non procul a ficto illo Patre, qui obedit quae Pater dicit.

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