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《灵界经历》 第6046节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6046

6046. About those who have faith alone

I spoke with those who have faith alone who are outside heaven. They say their numbers are diminishing by degrees, and that they are going off and not returning, not knowing where they are going off to. Certain of them who returned said that they live in sandy, stony tracts and in cottages like rural shanties, apart from one another, and that they have little food, that is to say, nourishment. The reason for this is that food corresponds to understanding, which they do not have, and sterile ground corresponds to not understanding and not having an affection for truth; thus [it corresponds] to these. They said that when they go out and see others at a distance; they are afraid to talk with them because there are also highwaymen there, but they live in caves of rock. They too are from the sort of spirits who have the doctrine of faith alone, but their desire is for profits and as it were plunder, which they do not take to be sins. But nonetheless they fear them, for these highwaymen hurt them and capture them in order to enslave them. On this account when they see others, they ask whether they live in cottages. If they say they do, they want [them] to go into their own cottage first and come out [to them] from it; and only then do they come up to them and talk with them in this way. As a result they go away. Such is the life those experience who hold the doctrine of faith alone. A certain one was sent there (a Priest in Moria), and he reported that there were no bushes or grass there, nothing but gravel, and that this is how they live. But what is amazing, they found it a pleasure to stay there, so they had no desire to pass their life elsewhere. The reason is that grasses, shrubs, and the like in fields and gardens correspond to understanding truth, which they flee from and turn away from.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6046


I spoke with those that are in faith alone, who are outside of heaven. They say that they are becoming fewer by degrees, and that they go away and do not return, not knowing whither they are gone; and a certain one who returned, stated that they dwell amid sand and stones, and are in huts like peasants, apart from one another, and that they have but little to eat, or food. The reason is, because food corresponds to intelligence, which they have not; and sterile ground corresponds to lack of intelligence and of the affection of truth, and thus to them. They stated, that, when they go out and see others at a distance, they are afraid to speak to them, because there are also robbers there; but these dwell in the caverns of rocks. These, also, are of such as are in faith alone, but craved for robbers' plunder, as it were. They did not regard these [depredations] as wrong; but they fear those [robbers], for they do them injuries, and capture them, in order to enslave them. Wherefore, when they see any spirits, they inquire whether they dwell in huts. When they say they do, they wish to enter their hut before they do, and to go forth from it; and thus they first accost them, and converse. Thus they retire. Such is the lot of those who are in faith alone. A certain one (a priest in Moria), was sent thither, and reported that there is not a shrub, or a blade of grass there, but gravel, and that they live thus. But, what is wonderful, they were delighted to remain there, so that they were unwilling to live anywhere else. The reason is, because plants, shrubberies, and the like, in fields and gardens, correspond to the intelligence of truth, which they shun and hold in aversion.

Experientiae Spirituales 6046 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6046. De illis qui in sola fide

Loquutus sum cum illis qui in sola fide qui extra coelum sunt, dicunt quod diminuantur per gradus, et quod abeant et non redeant, nescientes quo abeant; quidam horum qui rediit, dixit quod habitent in arenosis et scrupulis, et sint in casis similibus casis rusticis dissiti unus ab altero, et quod parum escae seu cibi habeant, causa est, quia cibus correspondet intelligentiae, quae illis non est, ac sterilis humus correspondet non intelligentiae, et non affectioni veri, ita illis: dixerunt quod dum exeunt, et vident alios e longinquo, timeant loqui cum illis, quia ibi etiam latrones sunt, sed hi habitant in cavernis petrarum, sunt etiam ex talibus qui in sola fide, sed qui inhiarunt lucris et quasi spoliis, quae non fecerunt peccata, sed hos timent, nam mala illis faciunt, et captivant illos ut serviant illis, quare dum aliquos vident quaerunt an in casis habitent, quod cum dicunt, volunt prius ut intrent casam suam, et exeant ab illa, et sic primum adeunt illos et colloquuntur; sic recedunt, talis est sors illorum qui in sola fide. Missus illuc quidam (Sacerdos in Moria) , et retulit quod ibi non virgultum aut gramen, sed glarea, et quod ita vivant, sed quod mirum, delectabantur ibi manere, sic ut alibi nolint degere; causa est, quia graminea, arbusta et similia in campis, et hortis, correspondent intelligentiae veri, quam fugiunt et aversantur.

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