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《灵界经历》 第605节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 605

605. There is also a collective breathing, about which I was able to observe the following, namely, that I was then somehow taking part in a collective breathing that was easy and spontaneous; and indeed, that the collective breathing of heaven related to my own breathing as three to one, as did my heartbeat also. Nevertheless, because of the collective respiration, all can breathe in accordance with this rule, that the contiguous collective breathing turns into something continuous, so that from that continuum, all have their own breathings, of every variety.

1748, 30 January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 605

605. There is also a general respiration concerning which I could observe the following, namely, that I was then to some extent in the general respiration which was easy and spontaneous; and indeed, that the general respiration of heaven responded to my respiration as three to one, and likewise also the pulsations of my heart. Nevertheless, all can respire from the general respiration according to this rule, that the general respiration, which is contiguous, passes off into something continuous, so that from the continuous all have their own respirations, with all variety. 1748, Jan. 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 605 (original Latin 1748-1764)

605. Datur etiam respiratio communis, de qua haec observare potui, nempe quod tunc essem aliqualiter in respiratione communi, quae facilis, et spontanea; et quidem quod respiratio communis coeli responderet meae respirationi sicut 3 ad unum, similiter etiam pulsationes cordis; sed usque ex respiratione communi respirare possunt omnes, ex regula hac, quod communis respiratio, contigua, abeat in continuum quid, sic ut ex continuo habeant omnes suas respirationes, cum omni varietate. 1748, 30 Jan.

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