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《灵界经历》 第6052节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6052

6052. Nor can it be believed that the love of ruling also has hell within itself, just as does adultery. All those [who are caught up in these loves] are caught up in evils and from them in falsities. The reason is that the love of ruling submerges the spirit in what is its own to such an extent that it can never be lifted up by the Lord, and everyone in whom there is heaven is lifted up from self, although the person does not feel this. But to describe self-love: its highest degree is the love of ruling over others, it bears within itself the love of ruling over the Lord, and that this is Babel, about which abominable things are said in the Word. To describe the nature of the love of ruling: it is not ruling over others in one's position, but it wants to rule beyond this over others, not content with one's own domain. To describe them further: what the former and the latter are like, and that they are all thrown down into hell from whatever high position they may hold.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6052

6052. Nor can it be believed that the love of ruling, like adultery, also has in itself hell. All those [who are in this love] are in evils and in falsities therefrom. The reason is, because the love of ruling sinks the mind into its proprium, so that it cannot be elevated by the Lord; but everyone in whom heaven is, is elevated from his proprium, although the man is not sensible of it. But to describe self-love: Its highest degree is the love of ruling over others; it also contains in itself the love of ruling over the Divine; and this is Babel, respecting which so many abominable things are stated in the Word. To describe the nature of the love of ruling: It is not ruling over others in one's official position, but desiring to rule over others outside of that, not being content with its own domain. The nature of the latter, and the nature of the former [love], might be described further; also, that all [who are in these loves], of whatsoever dignity, are cast down into hell.

Experientiae Spirituales 6052 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6052. Quod amor imperandi etiam infernum in se habet, hoc nec credi potest, sicut quod adulterium, omnes illi in malis et inde falsis sunt; causa quia amor imperandi demergit animum in suum proprium, adeo ut elevari nequeat a Domino, et omnis in quo coelum elevatur a proprio, tametsi homo id non sentit. Sed describatur amor sui, quod gradus ejus supremus sit amor imperandi super alios, et quod contineat in se amorem imperandi super Dominum, et quod hoc sit Babel, de quo abominabilia in Verbo dicuntur. - Describatur, amor imperandi qualis, non quod imperet in suo officio super alios, sed quod velit extra super alios, non contentus suo imperio. Describatur ulterius quale hoc et quale illud, et quod omnes in infernum dejiciantur ex quacunque dignitate.

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