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《灵界经历》 第6054节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6054

6054. More about adulteries. The reason why adulteries prevail at the present day in the Christian world is because they lie within the marriage of falsity and evil. That the adulteries [meant here] are: those of a married man with whores, an unmarried man with of another man's wife, with an untouched virgin, cheating her of virginity without the intention of taking her as a wife, the pleasure of variety; because [all] this destroys what belongs to marriage. Not so if an unmarried man associates with a cooperating prostitute if he is unable to hold back and yet on account of affairs in [various] kingdoms cannot contract marriage, a frilla 1, a mistress. But he must take care that that he does not get into a marriage relationship, which is a more inward love, unless he is of a mind to lead her to be his wife. The first mentioned deprive themselves of all the delight of marriage, consequently of marriage love, but this latter one does not.


1. Swedish for Ԭover"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6054

6054. Regarding adulteries, moreover, the reason why adulteries are so prevalent at this day, in the Christian world, is because those there are in the marriage of falsity and evil. As regards adulteries, they may be of a married man with harlots, of a man not married with another's wife, or with an undefiled virgin without the intention of taking her to wife - thus, the despoiling of virginity - or, the delight of variety; because all this destroys the conjugial. It is not so with an unmarried man who is unable to abstain altogether, and yet, from causes in the laws, cannot enter into matrimony, if he adjoins to himself a consenting prostitute, a concubine, or a mistress. But let him beware that the conjugial, which is interior love, do not enter, unless he have the purpose of taking her to wife. The former class deprive themselves of all the delight of marriage, but not the latter.

Experientiae Spirituales 6054 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6054. De adulteriis porro, causa quod adulteria hodie tantum regnent in Christiano orbe, est causa quia in conjugio falsi et mali sunt. Quod adulteria sint maritati cum scortis, non maritati cum uxore alterius, cum virgine illibata, ita defraudatio virginitatis absque intentione ducendi illam in uxorem, jucundum varietatis, quia hoc destruit conjugiale: non ita immaritati si sibi adjutricem meretricem adjungit, si non desistere possit, et adhuc propter causas in imperiis non potest matrimonium contrahere, frilla, 1

maitress, sed caveat ne intret conjugiale, quod est amor interior, nisi animus sit ducendi illam in uxorem. Priores deprivant se omni jucundo conjugii, ita amore conjugiali, hic vero non.


1. = concubina (vox suecica)

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