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《灵界经历》 第6058节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6058

6058. All people are under the influence of their ruling love, and thus as it were in the center

Certain ones asked why it is that evil spirits, thus those who deny God, who are silent, cannot be in an angelic society. They received the reply that all spirits ultimately come to the place where they are as it were in their own center, for those who are above him, who are below him, and who are around him on every side result in his being in that place, because there is a communication and inflow of affections, for which reason in the end no one can be in another place than in his own position, and as it were in his own center. All angels and all spirits are also centers, for the heavenly form is made up of continuous centers.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6058


It was asked by some, why it is that the evil - thus, those who have denied God - who keep quiet, cannot be in an angelic society; but they received reply, that every spirit at last comes to that place in which he may be, as it were, in his own center; for they who are above, below, and around him, in every direction, cause him to be in that place; for there is a communication and influx of affections. Wherefore, no one can, in the end, be anywhere else than in his own place, as it were in his center. Moreover, all angels and all spirits are centers for the heavenly form is one of continued centers.

Experientiae Spirituales 6058 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6058. Quod unusquisque homo sit in suo amore regnante, et sic quasi in centro

Dictum est a quibusdam, cur est, quod mali qui quieti non possint esse in societate angelica, ita qui negarunt Deum, sed responsum tulerunt, quod unusquisque spiritus ultimo in illum locum veniat, ut sit sicut in suo centro, nam illi qui supra illum, qui infra illum, et qui circum illum ab undequaque facient ut sit in loco illo, est enim communicatio et influxus affectionum, quare nullus tandem potest alibi esse quam in suo loco, sicut in suo centro. Etiam omnes angeli et omnes spiritus sunt centra, nam forma coelestis est ex continuis centris.

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