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《灵界经历》 第6059节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6059

6059. About the sacrament of the supper: in the case of the Papists they have separated the Bread and the Wine

There was a conversation with Papists about why they had separated the bread from the wine, they give the bread to people and themselves drink the wine, considering it was instituted differently by the Lord, and considering this was not done out of necessity due to a lack of wine, because in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, central Germany, and Hungary there is wine; and where wine grapes are not planted, as in England, Holland, Sveria 1, Denmark, and in Germany where the reformed are, it is not produced, and it is nevertheless used in the sacrament of the supper. The papists were unable to give any reason except the secret one that it was in order that the monks, when they are saying masses for the souls of the dead and while performing offices of other kinds, do not become fatigued in their steady labor, so that they are not but then refreshed by wine; no other reason could be found. But it was said [to them] that it happened of the Lord's Divine Providence: inasmuch as they desolated the Church of all good and truth, they separate [the wine and the bread], because good is not good if separated from truthاood is within truth, and truth is not truth unless it is from good.


1. Swedish for ԓweden"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6059


There was a conversation about the Sacrament of the Supper, as to why, among the Papists, they have separated the bread and wine, and give the people the bread and drink the wine themselves; when, nevertheless, it was instituted differently by the Lord, and since this did not happen from necessity, by reason of the want of wine, inasmuch as there is wine in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, the interior part of Germany, and Hungary: also, where wine is not produced - as in England, Holland, Sweden, Denmark, and in the part of Germany where the Reformed are - wine does not grow, and yet it is used in the Sacrament of the Supper. The Papists could not tell any reason, unless the private one that the monks, when they perform masses for the souls of the dead and attend to their other duties, may not faint under their continued labor, since they are then revived by wine. No other reason could be discovered; but it was said that this thing occurred of the Lord's Divine Providence; because, when they devastated the Church of every good and truth, they separated [the bread and the wine], because good is not good if separated from truth: it is good when in truth; nor is truth by any means truth save from good.

Experientiae Spirituales 6059 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6059. De sacramento coenae quod separaverint Panem et Vinum apud Pontificios

Fuit sermo se sacramento coenae apud Pontificios cur separaverunt panem a vino, dent populo panem, et ipsi bibant vinum, cum tamen aliter institutum est a Domino, et cum hoc non factum sit ex necessitate propter defectum vini, quia in Italia, Gallia, Hispania, Portugallia, interiore parte Germaniae, Hungaria est vinum, et ubi non producitur vinum, ut in Anglia, Hollandia, Sveria, Dania, et in Germania ubi sunt reformati, non nascitur vinum, et usque in sacramento coenae adhibetur; pontificii non potuerunt aliquam causam dicere, nisi arcanam quod monachi cum missas faciunt pro animabus mortuorum, et alioquin dum obeunt, non defatigentur in continuo suo labore, quin refocillentur tunc per vinum; alia causa non potuit inveniri, sed dictum est, quod id ex Providentia Divina Domini factum sit, dum devastaverunt Ecclesiam ab omni bono et vero, quod separarent, quia bonum non est bonum si separatur a vero, est bonum in vero, nec verum est verum nisi a bono.

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