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《灵界经历》 第6060节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6060

6060. About Zinzendorf

Somewhat later I spoke with him, and he was at that time in a weakened state of mind because he was not being received in the societies where he was wandering about. They had refuted his doctrine in various ways and [said that] there was nothing of truth in it except that merit must not be placed in works. When it was said that merit should not be placed in faith alone, and that by faith alone they would exalt themselves above others, they made no reply. He was dispirited because he had been humbled by his haughty pride. He said that when he went into gardens he did not see any fruit, and that he saw leaves that were not green, but withered and yellow, when yet others who were with him saw both fruits and flourishing green leaves as there are in gardens. It symbolized that there were no truths.

[2] I spoke with one of the Moravians who, asked how he felt about evil deeds and adulteries and also wicked acts, said that if they were in fact committed, they certainly admonish that person to desist from them, but nevertheless they are forgiven because he holds their faith; and if he were not to desist, they would still be forgiven, but not in the same degree.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6060


After some time, I spoke with him; and he was, then, as if enfeebled in mind, because he was not received in the societies, where he wandered around. They refuted his doctrine by various arguments, and proved that there was nothing at all of truth in it, except that merit must not be placed in works. When it was said that neither should merit be placed in faith alone, and that those [who profess that] thereby exalted themselves over others, they do not answer. He was enfeebled in mind because his pride was humbled. He stated, that, when he entered gardens, he did not see any fruits, and that he saw the foliage, not green, but withered and yellow; when, nevertheless, others, who were with him, saw both fruits and green leaves, as in gardens. It signified that [he possessed] no truths.

I spoke with one of the Moravians, who, being asked what he felt about evil works and adulteries, and also heinous sins, stated, that if they were indeed perpetrated, they admonish the offender to desist from them, but that, nevertheless, they are overlooked, because he holds their faith; and that if he did not desist, the evils would still be pardoned, but not to the same extent.

Experientiae Spirituales 6060 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6060. De Zinzendorfio

Post aliquod tempus loquutus sum cum illo, et tunc erat sicut debilitatus animo, quia non recipiebatur in societatibus, ubi circumvagabatur, ejus doctrinam refellerunt variis, et quod in illa nihil veri, praeter quod non ponendum sit meritum in operibus, cum dictum quod non pone retur meritum in sola fide, et per illam se eveherent supra alios, nihil respondent; debilitatus animo fuit, quia fastu depressus fuit; dicebat quod cum intraret hortos, non videret aliquod fructus, et quod videret folia non viridia sed flaccentia et flava, cum tamen alii qui cum illo viderent et fructus et folia virentia, ut in hortis, significabat quod non vera.

[2] Loquutus sum cum uno ex Moravianis, qui interrogatus quid sentiret de malis operibus et de adulteriis, et quoque nefandis, dixit, quod si patrarentur quidem monent illum ut desistat ab illis, sed tamen quod remittantur quia fidem illorum habet, si non desisteret, quod usque remitterentur, sed non in eo gradu.

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