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《灵界经历》 第6062节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6062

6062. About Zinzendorf and Paul

Zinzendorf was caught up in an abstract idea that was not such as he would say to anyone but as he would think within himself or would talk about with a friend who divulges nothing. He said that he could not think at all otherwise about the Lord than as about another person, and could not think that He was God; and yet he said that the Divine was within Him, but he understood the Divine as it is with another person.

[2] He said also that the Lord spoke quite simply and not wisely, and that Paul spoke more wisely. But it was shown to him that the Lord spoke from the Divine wisdom itself using correspondences as He also had spoken through the Prophets, thus from His own Divine, and that Paul certainly spoke from inspiration, but not in the manner of the prophets, to whom the individual words were dictated, but that his inspiration was that he received the inflow [from the Divine] in accordance with the things that were with him, which inspiration is entirely different and does not have a conjunction with heaven through correspondences.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6062


He [viz., Zinzendorf] was in an abstract idea, not as though he were speaking to anyone, but as if he thought in himself, or spoke with a friend who divulges nothing. He said that he could not at all think otherwise respecting the Lord than as he thought about another man, and not that He was God; and yet he said the Divine was in Him, but he meant the Divine as it is with another man: [He said], also, that He spoke in a very simple manner, and not wisely; and that Paul spoke more wisely. But it was shown him that the Lord spoke from Divine Wisdom Itself, by correspondences, exactly as He also spoke by the prophets, consequently from His own Divine; and that Paul indeed spoke from inspiration, but not in the same way as the prophets, to whom every single word was dictated but that his inspiration was that he received an influx, according to those things which were with him, which is quite a different inspiration, and has no conjunction with heaven by correspondences.

Experientiae Spirituales 6062 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6062. De Zinzendorf et Paulo

Erat in idea abstracta non sicut alicui diceret, sed sicut secum cogitaret, aut loqueretur cum amico, qui nihil vulgat, dixit, quod prorsus non aliter de Domino cogitare posset, quam sicut de alio homine, et non quod Deus, et quod usque diceret Divinum in illo, sed intelligeret Divinum sicut apud alium hominem. Tum quod loquutus sit perquam simpliciter, et non sapienter, et quod Paulus sapientius; sed sed ostensum est ei, quod Dominus loquutus sit ex ipsa sapientia Divina, per correspondentias, sicut etiam loquutus est per Prophetas, ita ex Divino suo, et quod Paulus quidem ex inspiratione loquutus, sed non ita sicut prophetae, quibus dictatae sunt singulae voces, sed quod inspiratio ejus esset, quod reciperet influxum secundum illa quae apud illum erant, quae inspiratio est prorsus alia, nec habet conjunctionem cum coelo per correspondentias.

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