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《灵界经历》 第6063节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6063

6063. About writings and about speech in the spiritual world

The fact that speech and writing in the spiritual world differ entirely from speech and languages in the world so that there is no similarity can be seen from the following:

1. ) When something is written there, one letter then stands for a whole word, and the word is a general term embracing many things, and these many things are deduced from what precedes and follows, that is to say, of the thing itself being written about. For example, "bono" 1There b means glory and majesty; o means with or among; n means evil, thus with the evil, and when it means those who are good, then there is a point above.

[2] 2) All vowels mean such things as connect [two elements], for example among, with, in, and so on. There [in the spiritual world] i stands for what is in the inward region, and so on.

3. ) They also speak in this way; for example "vita vella" means "Be far away! Leave!" and so on, and as regards the examples, in a natural state they understood nothing of their writing, but did so in the spiritual state.


1. Latin for "good"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6063


That speech and writing in the spiritual world differ entirely from the speech and languages in the world, so that there is no similarity, may be evident from these circumstances:

(1) When writing is being done there, a single letter stands for an entire word, and that word a general term comprehending many things in itself; and these many things are gathered from what precedes and what follows, or from the matter itself which is being written about; say, for example, that it is bono [= by good]: the b, there, signifies glory and majesty; o, signifies along with, or among; n, signifies the evil - thus, among the evil: when it signifies among the good, there is a point above.

(2) All the vowels signify something that conjoins, thus among, along with, in, or into, and so on: i, there, [i.e. in a word] signifies that which is from the interior, etc.

(3) They speak in this way, too as, for example, vita [= life] signifies valley, begone, depart, and so forth. This refers to instances in which they understood nothing of their writing in the natural state, but only in the spiritual.

Experientiae Spirituales 6063 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6063. De scripturis et de loquelis in mundo spirituali

Quod loquela et scriptura in mundo spirituali prorsus differat a loquelis et linguis in mundo, ita ut non simile sit, constare potest ex his,

1) dum scribitur ibi, tunc una litera significat integram vocem, et est vox communis quae plura in se complectitur, et illa plura ex antecedentibus et sequentibus, seu ex ipsa re de qua scribitur, colliguntur, pro exemplo, "bono," ibi b significat gloriam et majestatem, o significat cum aut apud, n significat mali, ita apud malos, dum significat bonos, tunc est punctatio supra;

2) omnes vocales significant tale quod conjungit, ita apud, cum, in et sic porro; ibi i significat id quod inest interiori, et sic porro.

3) Ita quoque loquuntur; ut pro exemplo " vita vella " significat procul abesto, abito et sic porro, - de exemplis quod in naturali statu nihil scripturae suae intellexerint, sed in spirituali.

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