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《灵界经历》 第6064节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6064

6064. About Newton

I spoke with him several times. He is an utterly sincere person and is among his own colleagues and is loved. He told me that he now knows that the Lord is the Sun of the angelic heaven and that all light comes from Him, which in essence is Divine intelligence and is what gives intelligence to angels and also to mankind, although people do not know that this light enlightens their understanding and causes them to think intelligently. He knew also that there was one life that makes anyone really alive, and that this life appears with them as light, and that from this comes life, and that this flows into people's innermost parts, and makes it so that this life appears to them just as if it is coming from themselves. He said that colors there appear much brighter than in the world, and in far greater variety, and that colors there arise from the modification of the Divine light in forms capable of receiving life in angels and in people on earth, and that it is from this that the varieties of intellect arise,؈e spoke also about the planes of colors, that there were [fundamentally] three, white from light, red from fire, and black from [hell 1], and that the variety of all the colors comes into existence from these.


1. For the word cut off, perhaps "matter"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6064

6064. NEWTON.

I spoke with him several times. He is a thoroughly sincere man, and is among his own, and is beloved. He told me that he now knows that the Lord is the sun of the angelic heaven, and that all light, which in its essence is Divine Intelligence, and which gives intelligence to angels and also to men, is from Him; although men are ignorant that that light enlightens the understanding, and causes them to think intelligently. He also knew that there was one Life which causes everyone to live, and that that Life appears amongst them as light, and that life is from it also, that it inflows into man's inmosts, and brings it about that it appears to man as if from himself. He also stated that, where he is, there appear colors much more brilliant than in the world, and of much greater variety; also, that the colors there originate from the modification of the Divine Light into life-receiving form in angels and men, and that from it are the varieties of understanding. Respecting the planes of colors, he spoke in this fashion: that there were. . . three: white from light, red from fire, and black from [shade]; and that all the varieties of colors arise therefrom.

Experientiae Spirituales 6064 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6064. De Newtono

Loquutus cum illo aliquoties, est perquam sincerus homo, et est inter suos, ac amatur, dicebat mihi, quod sciat nunc quod Dominus sit Sol coeli angelici, et quod [ab] Ipso omnis lux, quae in sua essentia est Divina intelligentia, quae dat intelligentiam angelis, et quoque hominibus, tametsi homines nesciant quod illa lux illustret intellectum et faciat intelligenter cogitare. Cognovit etiam quod una vita esset, quae facit ut aliquis vivat, et quod illa vita appareat apud illos sicut lux, et quod inde vita, et quod illa influat in intima hominis, et faciat ut haec appareat homini sicut a se; dixit etiam quod ibi appareant colores multo nitentiores quam in mundo et ex multo pluri varietate, et quod colores ibi oriantur ex lucis Divinae modificatione in formas 1

vitae receptibiles in angelis et in hominibus, et quod inde intellectus varietates, - Loquutus etiam est de planis 2

colorum, quod essent [] 3

tria, album ex luce, rubrum ex igne, et nigrum ex [] 4

, et quod varietates colorum omnium inde exsurgant.


1. exitus abscissus in ms.

2. imperfectum in ms.

3. non sensus, sed spatium in angulo paginae abscisso subjicit hic verbum anissum

4. pro verbo absicsso, forte materia; J. F. I. Tafel umbra inseruit

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