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《灵界经历》 第6071节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6071

6071. About Polhem 1

As in the world, he meditated a great deal, nevertheless in a material fashion, because his thought was solely on mechanical and physical matters, which he applied to mechanical things in certain ways. He was like this also after death, where he put to use appearances and things seen there, and in so doing thought up many magical arts. In these he was a more skilled artisan than others. He fabricated statues in various ways and also tables of such things as corresponded to affections, and put them together more painstakingly than others, through which communication was established with certain societies of the lowest heaven, which he was allowed to do for the sake of their cleansing. He fabricated them in such a way, in fact, that the evil in the societies would make some reply to them. As a result of this, it came about that he was joined to murky hells, where he was deprived of that meditation.


1. See footnoted information on him in passage 4722.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6071

6071. POLHEM.

He meditated much, just as in the world, but yet in a material manner, because his thought was engaged only in Mechanics and Physics, which he applied to mechanical appliances in certain things. He was also such after death. He there applied himself to the appearances and objects of sight which are there; and hence invented many magical things. In these he was a better workman than others. He made statues in various ways, and also tables, of such things as corresponded to the affections, and adapted them more diligently than others; by which things communication was given with certain societies of the lowest heaven. This was allowed him for the sake of the purgation of those societies; and he so constructed these things, that the evil in the societies sometimes communicated replies to them. Hence it happened, that he was cast [into] an exceedingly dark hell, where he was deprived of that inventiveness.

Experientiae Spirituales 6071 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6071. De Polhemio

Ille sicut in mundo multum meditatus est, sed usque materialiter quia cogitatio ejus sola fuit in mechanicis et in physicis, quae applicuit mechanicis in quibusdam, talis fuit etiam post mortem, ibi applicuit apparentias ibi et visualia, et inde plura magica invenit, artifex in illis fuit prae aliis, fecit statuas vario modo et quoque tabulas ex talibus quae correspondebant affectionibus, et coaptavit illa industrius quam alii, per quas dabatur communicatio cum quibusdam societatibus infimi coeli, quod ei permissum est propter societatum illarum expurgationem, imo ita fabricavit, ut mali in societatibus darent illis aliqua responsa, inde factum est quod ille conjunctus sit infernis caliginosis, ubi deprivatus est meditatione illa.

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