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《灵界经历》 第6076节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6076

6076. About Quakers

In addition to the things disclosed earlier, which were the abominations regarding wives and concubines, it is to be added also, that they preach the new Testament because He was born of the holy spirit, and they are likewise, and consequently these things are spoken equally from the holy spirit; and also that they dine in the holy spirit, and when eating with others they pour the holy spirit into their suppers, and that thus there is also sanctification, and testing of others, whether they are from them and can join them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6076


In addition to what has been previously disclosed, which are their abominations regarding their wives and sexual intercourse, it is also added that they preach the New Testament, because He [i.e. the Lord] was born of the Holy Spirit, and [say] that they are, likewise; and hence that they speak from the Holy Spirit as much as He, and that they are in the Holy Spirit when they eat; and that, when others are eating, they infuse the Holy Spirit into their feasts, and also that, in this way, there is the sanctification and proving of others, whether they are of them, and are able to enter among them.

Experientiae Spirituales 6076 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6076. De Quakeris

Praeter illa quae prius detecta sunt, quae nefanda de uxoribus et concubitibus, etiam accedit, quod novum Testamentum praedicent quia ille natus est a spiritu sancto, et quod illi similiter, et inde quod hi loquantur aeque ex spiritu sancto, quodque edant in spiritu sancto, et quod apud alios in comessatione infundant spiritum sanctum in dapes illorum, et quod sic quoque sanctificatio, et probatio aliorum, num sint ab illis et possint intrare ad illos.

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