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《灵界经历》 第6077节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6077

6077. About the Inhabitants of Tartary near China Tartary minor

There were some with me from there. They came while I was sleeping, I was sleeping tranquilly. When I woke up, they noticed that they were not at home but elsewhere. They wondered where, because they did not recognize things in the spiritual world that were entirely different. They spoke about the land where they were and said it was populous [and] unacquainted with war. They knew about China and about Siberia, saying that with them he governs who is able to govern, and if he incapable, he is dismissed with a fine. They pay him no other respect than as to a wise person who can tell them whether this or that is just. They said that they are all engaged in their tasks, at home, of making clothing, cultivating the earth, and the like. When they came they were surprised that they were asked by Christians as to God being human, because they believed that everyone knew this, without questioning whether He is. Likewise concerning the precepts of the decalogue, as for example about life with a wife, whether they lived in this manner, as if they did not know that everyone so lived, because the Lord so wills, and so on. They said that they have houses where they are taught about life and about God's commandments. They said that they had a book that people elsewhere do not know they have. They called this the Divine Book, which they read and by which they are instructed, and which they understand. I asked, and they were the psalms of David. They said that they do allow strangers to come in, but do not give them an opportunity to leave. They give them the food they need, and if one wants to work he is welcomed. They also have the decalogue. They call the Chinese their friends because they stem from their nation; they do not think about wars between themselves. They fear Siberia to some extent, but say that they themselves have nothing and that they would immediately surrender to them if they were to come; nevertheless they would all get away along with their own possessions, without the Siberians knowing.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6077


There were some from that country with me. They came while I was asleep and I slept tranquilly. On my awakening, they noticed that they were not at home, but somewhere else. They wondered where they were, because they did not recognize such things as were in the world of spiritual things, as at all like [those they were accustomed to seeing]. They spoke of the country where they lived, that it was populous, and that they knew nothing about war. They knew of China and of Siberia. They said that, with them, he governs who is able to govern, and if he is not able, he is dismissed with a fine. They accord him no other honor than as a wise man who can tell them whether this or that is just. They stated that they are all engaged in their labors at home, in making clothes, in cultivating the land, and the like. When they came, they marveled that they should be questioned by Christians as to God being a man; inasmuch as they believed that all knew this, without any question whether it be so. In like manner respecting the precepts of the Decalog for example, regarding only one wife, whether they live so, as if they did not know that everyone so lived, since the Lord wills it, etc. They stated that they have houses, where they are taught about life, and about the commandments of God. - They said that they had a book, respecting which people elsewhere do not know that they have it. They called it the Divine Book: they read this, and are instructed by it and understand it. Inquiry was made, and it was the Psalms of David. They said that strangers are indeed admitted among them, but they do not give them the means of going away. They give them necessary food; and if one wishes to work, he is accepted. They also possess the Decalog. They call the Chinese their friends, because they are of their race: they do not think of wars, in their country. They have some fear of Siberia, but say that they have nothing, and that, if they came, they would at once surrender to them; but still they would all go away with their belongings, unawares to them.

Experientiae Spirituales 6077 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6077. De Incolis Tartariae prope Chinam

Tartaria minor

Erant aliqui inde apud me, venerunt cum dormiebam, et dormiebam tranquille, [ego] evigilatus animadverterunt quod non domi essent, sed alibi, mirati ubinam, quia non agnoscebant talia quae prorsus mundo spirituali dissimilia essent: loquuti de terra ubi erant, quod populosa, non scientes aliquid de bello, sciebant de China et de Siberia, dicentes quod apud illos gubernet qui potest gubernare, et si non potest, dimittatur cum mulcta, honorem ei non alium praestant quam sicut sapienti, qui potest illis dicere num id justum vel illud: dixerunt quod omnes in suis operibus sint, domi, ad vestes faciendas, ad colendum terram et similia: mirabantur cum venerunt, quod interrogarentur a Christianis, quod Deus sit homo, quia credebant quod omnes hoc scirent absque quaestione num sit. Similiter de praeceptis decalogi, ut de vita cum uxore, num sic vivant, quasi non scirent, quod unusquisque ita viveret, 1

quia Dominus ita vult, et sic porro; dicebant quod domos habeant ubi docentur de vita, et de mandatis Dei. - Dicebant quod haberent librum, de quo alibi non sciunt quod habeant, Librum Divinum vocaverunt, quem legunt et a quo informantur, et quem intelligunt, inquisitum, et erant psalmi Davidis. Dicebant quod advenae quidem admittantur, sed non dant illis copiam abeundi, dant illis necessaria victus, si vult laborare est acceptus. Habent etiam decalogum. Vocant Chinenses suos amicos quia ex illorum natione, non cogitant de bellis apud se. Aliquantum timent Siberiam, sed dicunt se nihil habere, et quod se statim darent illis si venirent, sed usque omnes abirent cum suis, illis insciis.


1. = vivere debeat

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