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《灵界经历》 第6078节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6078

6078. Zinzendorf

I asked him what he thought about justification by their faith. He said that they can no longer do anything evil, because it is not regarded as evil by God. [Even] if they do something enormously evil, if they return to faith, it is not imputed to them. I heard him saying why they were so angry with those who had charity. He said that it is abominable to him because they are stealing from God things that are God's, claiming for themselves merit which belongs to God Alone, and that this is the sin of sins.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6078


I asked him what he thinks about those who are justified by their faith. He said that they are no longer able to do any evil, because it is not looked upon as evil by God, and that, even though they commit an enormous evil, it is not imputed to them if they return to faith. I heard him saying why they are so furious against those who are in charity. He said, that this is abominable, because they steal from God the things which are God's, claiming to themselves merit, which is God's alone, and that this is the sin of sins.

Experientiae Spirituales 6078 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6078. Zinzendorf

Quaesivi illum quid cogitat de justificatis per fidem eorum, dixit quod non possint amplius facere aliquod malum, quia a Deo non aspicitur ut malum, si malum enorme faciunt, quod si redeunt ad fidem, illud non imputatur illis. Audivi illum dicentem, cur ita irascuntur illis qui in charitate sunt, dixit, quod hoc ei abominabile sit, quia furantur a Deo quae Dei sunt, vindicantes sibi meritum, quod est Solius Dei, et quod hoc sit peccatum peccatorum.

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