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《灵界经历》 第6080节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6080

6080. The Lord's inflow into man's honors and gain

Shunning evils

The Lord is always present with a person and urges that good and truth be received, but with those who do not shun evils, the inflow is turned into their own loves which pertain to the love of self and of the world, which are stirred. And thus the Lord leads people of the world through their own affections, so that within himself a person turns the inflow of good, of love, into such things.

A person who does not shun evils inwardly in himself is hemmed in by evils, and also outside himself is obsessed by spirits who are such as his love; so the Lord cannot come to a person without things that are good being turned into things like this.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6080


The Lord is always present with man, and urges that good and truth may be received. But, with those who had not shunned evils, that influx is turned into their proprial loves - which are of the love of self and the world - which are called forth; and thus the Lord leads men of the world by their proprial affections; so that man turns the influx of good, or love, in himself, into such things.

He who does not shun evils, is inwardly in himself bowed down with evils, and outside himself is obsessed by such spirits as relate to his love; consequently, the Lord is unable to reach the man, because goods are turned into such things.

Experientiae Spirituales 6080 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6080. Influxus Domini in hominis honores et lucra

Fugere mala

Dominus semper adest apud hominem, et urget ut bonum et verum recipiantur, sed apud illos, qui non fugerant mala, influxus ille vertitur in proprios illorum amores, qui sunt amoris sui et mundi, qui excitantur, et sic ducit Dominus homines mundi per proprias affectiones, ita quod homo vertat apud se influxum boni seu amoris in talia. Qui non fugit mala intus in se obstipatus est malis, etiam extra se obsessus est talibus spiritibus, qui sunt amoris ejus, ita Dominus non pervenire potest ad hominem, quin vertantur bona in talia.

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