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《灵界经历》 第6081节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6081

6081. About the Moravians and Zinzendorf

The Moravians who believed they were spiritually living and would be saved ahead of all nations in the world therefore ascended on high, as customarily happens, and there they were divided into several societies. But because they wanted to have dominion over the rest, they looked down and attached themselves to a certain devil through whom they compelled others (individuals who would not acknowledge their religiosity) to obedience, even wishing to crucify those who would not accept it. But when their time came, they were cast down to the lower regions one after another and were compelled to enter a cavern, which they did, complaining, because they wondered why they didn't have any food like the rest did, or an elegant house. But since on they were unable to stay there, on account of lack of food and other troubles, they were sent away and for the most part cast out into deserted places, where they live wretchedly. Since they were wondering, it was explained that they had rejected the three most essential matters of the Church and heaven: 1) the Lord's Divinity, 2) the Word of the prophets, and had despised the Evangelists, and 3) the works of charity, which they had rejected entirely, and which they had blasphemed. And since they had rejected these three they had no lot with the blessed, but with the wretched. Zinzendorf saw [what happened] and wants to separate, struggling to do so, seeing their calamity.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6081


The Moravians, who believed that they, more than all communication in the world, were the living and the saved, on that account mounted on high, as usually happens, and were there divided into several societies. But, inasmuch as they desired to have dominion over the rest, they looked down and attached themselves to a certain devil, through whom they forced others, who did not acknowledge their religiosity, to obedience, even wishing to torture those who did not receive it. But, when their time came, they were cast down, successively, to lower places, and were compelled to enter a cavern which they entered, complaining that they were surprised that they have not food as the rest have, nor adornments for the house. But as, on account of deprivation of food, and other adversities, they were unable to stay there, they were let out, and the greatest part of them driven forth into desert places, where they live wretchedly. On their expressing astonishment at this, they were told that the reason was that they had rejected the three veriest essentials of the Church and of heaven:

(1) the Divine of the Lord;

(2) the Word of the prophets - they had, also, despised the Evangelists; and

(3) the works of charity, which they had utterly rejected from themselves, and blasphemed; and, since these three have been rejected, they have their portion, not with the blessed but with the miserable. Zinzendorf saw this and he desires to recede, laboring earnestly, as he sees their calamity, to be able to do so.

Experientiae Spirituales 6081 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6081. De Moravianis et Zinzendorf

Moraviani qui crediderunt se vivos et salvandos prae omnibus gentibus in mundo, ideo ascenderunt in altum, ut fieri solet, et ibi divisi sunt in aliquot societates, sed quia dominari volebant super reliquos, despexerunt, et alligarunt se cuidam diabolo, per quem alios, qui religiosum suum non agnoscerent, cogerent ad obedientiam, etiam volentes cruciare illos, qui non acceptarent, sed cum tempus eorum venit, ordine dejecti sunt ad inferiora, et coacti sunt intrare cavernam, quam intrabant, querentes, quod mirati, quod illis non cibus ut reliquis, nec decora domus, sed quia ibi non morari potuerunt propter inediam et molestias alias, emissi sunt, et plurima pars ejecti in deserta, ubi misere vivunt, illis mirantibus dicta est causa, quod tria essentialissima Ecclesiae et coeli rejecerint,

1) Divinum Domini,

2) Verbum prophetarum, et contemserint Evangelistas, tum

3) charitatis opera, quae prorsus a se rejecerint, et quam blasphemaverunt; et cum haec tria rejecta sunt, non est illis sors cum beatis, sed cum miseris, Zinzendorf vidit, et vult recedere, satagens ut id possit, videns calamitatem eorum.

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