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《灵界经历》 第6082节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6082

6082. About JERUSALEM AND THE TEMPLE after the captivity

Temple began to be built in the year 72 [after the Captivity]; it is completed as to interior parts 91, 94. Jerusalem is built 163. Haman wishes to slaughter the Jews, 215. Temple is despoiled 439. The Jews are compelled by Antioch to [worship] idols, 441. Temple is cleansed, 444. Alcimus begins to destroy the walls of Temple, 449. Hircanus, Aristobulus, Alexander, Janneus rule in Judea, 504, 505, 506, Aristobulus II till 542. Pompey occupies Jerusalem 545. Antigonus occupies Judea, 568. Herod then declared king of Judea, 568. Herod besieges and takes Jerusalem by storm, 571, 572. Augustus sets about raising the Temple, 586. The building of the Temple is finished, Herod celebrates dedication, 595. The temple is polluted by the Samaritans, 615. The building of Temple is discontinued, 631.

The Lord is born, 605.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6082


The building of the temple commenced in the year 72 after the captivity; completed as to the interior portions in 91, 94. Jerusalem built, 163. Haman wishes to massacre the Jews, 215. The Temple is pillaged, 439. The Jews are driven to idols by Antiochus, 441. The Temple cleansed, 444. Alcimus begins to destroy the Temple wall, 449. Hyrcanus, Anstabulus, Alexander Jannieus reign in Judea, 504, 505, 506. Aristabulus (II.), till 542. Pompey takes Jerusalem, 545. Antigonus takes possession of Judea, 568. Herod is then declared king of Judea, 568. Herod besieges and reduces Jerusalem, 571, 572. Augustus sets about building the Temple, 586. The building of the Temple finished, Herod celebrates the dedication, 595. The Temple polluted by the Samaritans, 615. The building of the Temple discontinued, 631.

The Lord is born, 605.

Experientiae Spirituales 6082 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6082. De HIEROSOLYMA ET TEMPLO post captivitatem

Templum incepit aedificari anno 72 quoad partes interiores perficitur 91, 94. Hierosolyma aedificatur 163. Haman occidere vult Judaeos, 215. Templum spoliatur 439. Judaei ab Antiocho ad idola compelluntur, 441. Templum purgatur, 444. Alcimus incipit destruere murum Templi, 449. Hircanus, Aristobolus, Alexander, Jannaeus regnant in Judaea 504, 505, 506, Aristobolus [II] ad 542. Pompeius occupat Hierosolymam 545. Antigonus occupat Judaeam 568, tunc Herodes declaratur rex Judaeae 568. Herodes Hierosolymam obsidet et expugnat 571, 572. Augustus Templum erigere aggreditur 586, impleta fabrica Templi Herodes dedicationem celebrat, 595. Templum a Samaritanis polluitur, 615, intermittitur Templi fabrica, 631.

Dominus natus 605.

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