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《灵界经历》 第6091节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6091

6091. Genevieve

She appears to the Parisians sometimes, above, at a middle height, in gleaming apparel and appearance almost saintly Divine, beautiful. She is looked up to by many, and there are those who want to call upon her. At this time her appearance changes, and she becomes just like another woman and chides them, "What do you want? To be worshipers of people and of women?" and does this to the point of shame, saying that she is among ordinary women and is esteemed no more than any other woman, she is in a certain society where she is unknown, held in little regard there, and that she knows entirely nothing about those who are in the world, still less hears or perceives anything, amazed that people in the world are taken in by such nonsense. She says too that she is not among the better and that those who want to be greater than others become more ordinary than others, and that it does harm to many to be canonized, because when they hear this, from their evil heredity they swell up and begin to display pride and consequently are banished [to a place] where they themselves do not know who they had been in the world.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6091

6091. GENEVIEVE [Genoveva].

She sometimes appears to the Parisians, at a middle elevation above, and in splendid clothing, and with a face of as it were Divine holiness, and beautiful. She is beheld by many; and there are some who wish to invoke her. Then her face is changed, and she becomes like another woman, and chides them, saying that they are forbidden to be worshippers of men and women - and this till they are ashamed. She says, also, that she ranks with ordinary women, and is held in no more estimation than any other woman; that she is in a certain society where she is not known, being held in small esteem there; and that she knows nothing at all about those who are in the world, still less hears or perceives anything, marveling that men of the world are taken in by such nonsense. She says, also, that she is not among the better ones; and that whoever wishes to be greater than others becomes meaner than others; and that it does harm to many to be canonized, because, when they hear of it, they are puffed up owing to hereditary evil, and begin to be proud, and are removed from where they are to some place where they do not know themselves, as to who they were in the world.

Experientiae Spirituales 6091 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6091. Genovieve Genoveva

Illa apparet quandoque Parisiensibus supra in media altitudine, et in vestitu splendido, et facie quasi sancte Divina, pulchra, spectatur a multis, et sunt qui volunt invocare, tunc mutatur facies, et fit sicut alia faemina, et illos increpat, "quid velistis, cultores hominum et faeminarum esse?" et hoc usque ad pudorem, dicens quod sit inter faeminas vulgares, et non plus aestimetur, quam alia mulier, est in societate quadam ubi ignoratur, vilipensa ibi; et quod prorsus nihil sciat de illis qui in mundo, minus audiat aut percipiat quicquam, mirans quod homines mundi talibus nugis captentur. Dicit etiam quod non sit inter meliores, et quod qui vult major aliis esse, fiat vilior aliis, et quod sit multis damno quod sanctificati sint, quia cum hoc audiunt ex malo haereditario intumescunt, et incipiunt superbire et inde removentur, ubi ipsi non cognoscunt quinam in mundo fuerint.

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