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《灵界经历》 第6094节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6094

6094. There is affection and thought in the touch of the hand

It was made known to me by a vivid experience that there is affection together with thought in the touch of the hand. I touched an angel with my hand, and the angel said that from the touch alone he felt affection together with thought. From this it is evident why these are in the work done [by the hands] in the spiritual world, because thought is focused in a living way by the hands in work, [and] why it is that the Lord touched many, and why by the touch of the hand on the head inaugurations into the priesthood are done, and much more.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6094


It has been made known to me, by living experience, that, in the touch of the hand there is affection together with thought. I touched an angel with my hand, and the angel stated, that, from the touch alone, he perceived [my] affection and the associated thought. Hence is manifest, whence it comes that those in the spiritual world are engaged in labors: it is because, by means of the hand, in work, thought is determined to something living. This, also, is why the Lord touched many people, and why inauguration into the priesthood takes place by the touch of the hand upon the head - and many things besides.

Experientiae Spirituales 6094 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6094. Quod in tactu manus sit affectio et cogitatio

Ab experientia viva mihi notum factum est, quod in tactu manus sit affectio cum cogitatione, tetigi angelum manu, et angelus dixit ex solo tactu quod sentiret affectionem cum cogitatione, inde patet unde est quod in operis sint in mundo spirituali, quia cogitatio determinatur ad vivum per manum in opera, et cur Dominus tetigerit plures, tum cur per tactum manus super caput inaugurationes fiant in sacerdotium, et plura.

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