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《灵界经历》 第610节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 610

610. In the other life they meet their acquaintances

Those in the other life, when they first arrive there, still have things of the earth clinging to them. They do not know but that they are in the world, still living there. This has been made clear to me in many ways, for [some] did not know after many years that they were in the other life, nor could they realize it except when it was proven to them, so that finally they admitted it. Thereupon they also recall to mind the companions they had had in the life of the body, and then they are also permitted by the Lord to come upon them, and to speak with them as they did on earth - but still, [to say] nothing other than what is permitted and granted. Thus all can find their own friends, parents, and children; however, they do not remain together there any longer than they are allowed by the Lord.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 610


When those who are in the other life first enter it, the things which are of the earth still adhere to them, for they know no otherwise than that they are in the world and live there. This has been made evident to me by many things, for after many years they were not aware that they were in the other life, nor could they know it until it was shown to them, as they at length confessed. Wherefore they also retain in mind [animus] the companions they have had in the life of the body, and it is then permitted by the Lord that they also find them and speak with them as on earth, yet no otherwise than is permitted or granted them. Thus everyone can find his friends, parents, and children, but still they can remain there together no longer than is granted them by the Lord.

Experientiae Spirituales 610 (original Latin 1748-1764)

610. Quod in altera vita notos suos offendant

Qui in altera vita sunt, ut primum illuc veniunt, in haerent adhuc iis ea, quae in terra sunt, nam non aliter sciunt, quam quod in mundo sint et ibi vivant, quod multis mihi constitit, nam nesciverunt post plures annos, quo essent in altera vita, nec scire poterant, nisi dum iis id monstraretur, sic demum fassi: quare etiam socios quos in vita corporis habuerunt, in animo retinent, et permittiti tunc a Domino, ut etiam eos inveniant, et cum iis loquanti sicut in terra, verum tamen non aliud, quam quod iis permittitur aut conceditur, sic quisque potest amicos suo parentes et filios invenire, sed usque non diutius ibi simul manent, quam a Domino conceditur.

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