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《灵界经历》 第611节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 611

611. As they find their friends, so also they run into their enemies, especially any whom they had persecuted in hatred. From this one may infer how dangerous it is to persecute anyone in hatred. There no one can pretend, that is, contemplate one thing in the mind, and say in words and show on the face something different; but the feelings of the mind show as in broad daylight, so that pretense gives way to open hatred. How these persons, therefore, can be admitted into heaven, anyone can judge.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 611

611. Just as they find their friends, so also they meet their enemies, especially when they have persecuted them with hatred; hence it was given me to conclude how dangerous it is to persecute anyone from hatred. There, no one can simulate, that is, revolve one thing in mind [animus], and say in words, and show in their face, something different; but the sentiments of the "animus" lie open as in clear day, and thus simulation goes forth into open hatred. So everyone can judge whether such men can be admitted into heaven.

Experientiae Spirituales 611 (original Latin 1748-1764)

611. Dum amicos suos inveniunt, etiam inimicos suos offendunt, cumprimis quando odio eos persecuti sunt, inde concludere datur, quam discriminosum sit, odio alique persequi, ibi nemo simulare potest, seu aliud animo volvere, et aliud verbis dicere, et facie monstrare, sed patent sensa animi sicut in clara die, ita simulatio vadit in apertum odium, ita quomodo ii admitti queant in coelum, quisque potest judicare.

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