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《灵界经历》 第6100节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6100

6100. About the Dutch who pass time in the stench of vomit, about the rule of the wife over the husband there.

A visit was made to some of the societies of the Dutch where there were those whose wives exercised control over their husbands. They were on the peripheries there. And there was a foul stench there of vomit. In fact they collected containers full of vomit and kept their noses over them and were delighted by the stench. All those who were on the peripheries were cast down into hell, and those who were almost like them were collected from the societies and were likewise cast down.

[6101.] About certain Bishops of the English

There was a certain one who was thought to be more scholarly and learned than the rest when he lived in the world, who in the company of his colleagues spoke with the King about various things regarding his religion because the King said that he thought of the Lord as his God and that the life of charity cannot be separated from faith. The Bishop, however, asserted the contrary. Consequently, among his colleagues he said various things about the King as regards religion, as if he wanted to stir them up to something. He admitted this in the spiritual world. He admitted he had not thought about the Lord except as a Human. He was half-way a Socinian. He was examined as to what he knew in Theology, but he knew no other than proof passages of the received faith and for the Divine operation through faith as far as the will, from which it raises itself. It was said to him, "In this case a person can do whatever he wants." He said, "Whatever he wants provided is it is not contrary to civil laws." I asked, if he escapes the punishment of civil law, is it a sin? He said that it is a sin against the neighbor, but not against God, and that one ought to reconcile oneself with one's neighbor for the sake of what is useful, not for the sake of salvation. I said that in this case they are Machiavellians. He denied this, because [he says] he acknowledges God and the Word. I asked whether in the case of robberies, if they escape punishments, they [suffer] evil after death. He denied this possibility as long as the person had faith. A certain other English bishop who inwardly cherished the belief that charity and faith - not inward charity but outward or actual charity, cannot be separated, examined the religious concept of faith alone. He found that in all of their theology there was not any truth, not even one. He told and showed this to the first-mentioned Bishop and to other English priests. Because he spoke from heaven, they could say nothing whatever in reply.

[2] Afterwards the aforementioned Bishop told about the 5 works about heaven and hell and the other subjects [see Rev. 12, he could not reply other than that it certainly does seem to be so, but that he does not want to know it.

[3] After this the aforementioned Bishop went for advice to a certain devil with whom he sat for two days and consulted how he could kill me. They put together deceitful plots, tried, but in vain. He had communication with Moravians in the desert. Thus he became a devil along with many others who had confirmed themselves in that detestable doctrine about faith which gushes with enormous falsities.

[4] How other priests were suborned for the purpose of destroying that work was also disclosed which also had the effect that it had been entirely rejected, when nevertheless these things are from the Lord out of heaven.

[5] All these priests were brought forward and judged according to their doctrine and [their] life according to it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6100


Visitation was made upon certain societies of the Dutch, where are those of whom the wives ruled over their husbands. They were in the boundaries at that part, and there was a vile stench of vomit there; yea, they collected vessels full of vomit, and held the nostrils over them, and reveled in the stench. All those who were in the boundaries were cast down into hell; and some who were nearly like them, were gathered out of societies, and also cast down.

Experientiae Spirituales 6100 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6100 [.] De Hollandis qui degunt in nidore vomitali, ibi de imperio uxoris super maritum

Facta est visitatio super aliquas societates ex Hollandis, ubi illi quorum uxores dominatae sunt super viros suos, ibi in peripheriis erant illi, et ibi erat nidor tetre vomitalis, imo colligebant vasa plena vomitu, et tenebant nares super illis, et deliciabantur nidore illo, illi omnes qui in peripheriis erant, dejecti sunt in infernum, et ex societatibus collecti sunt qui cum illis similes paene erant, et quoque dejecti.

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