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《灵界经历》 第6101节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6101

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6101


There was a certain one who was considered more scholarly and learned than the rest when he lived in the world, who, in the presence of his fellows, said various things to the King about his religion; for the King said that he thought of the Lord as his God, and that the life of charity could not be separated from faith. The Bishop, however, contradicted this, and thence said divers things among his fellows respecting the King as regards religion, as though he wanted to stir them up to something. This he confessed in the spiritual world. He confessed that he had not thought of the Lord, save as a man. He was half a Socinian. He was examined as to what theological knowledge he possessed, and he knew nothing else than confirmations of the received faith, and in favor of the Divine operation through faith, as far as the will, from which it raises itself. He was told that thus man was able to do whatsoever he will. He said, Yes; whatever he will - provided it be not contrary to the civil laws. I asked whether, if he evade the punishments of the civil law, the thing is sin. He said that it is sin against the neighbor, but not against God, and that he ought to conciliate the neighbor, for the sake of utility, not for the sake of salvation. I said that in this way they were Machiavellists. This he denied, inasmuch as he acknowledges God and the Word. I asked whether, then, if they engage in robberies but evade the punishments, that evil will cleave to them after death. He said it would not, provided the man had faith. A certain other English bishop, who in himself cherished the belief that charity and faith cannot be separated - not internal, but external, or actual, charity - then examined the religiosity of faith alone, and found that there was not a single truth in all their theology, not even one. This he announced, and next proved it before the former Bishop, and before other priests belonging to England, who, since it was said from heaven, were not able to answer anything.

Afterwards, that former Bishop described in what manner he especially scoffed at the five works, on Heaven and Hell, and the rest, 1which I made a present to all [the Bishops], and to all the Reformed Lords in Parliament, by abuse and misrepresentation and at last put a stop to the reading of it - together with the rest - until they utterly rejected them. He also related what he had said to them, and something that others had said, and various discussions respecting them. When he was told that it is not my work, but the Lord's, who wished to reveal the nature of heaven and hell, and of man's life after death, and about the Last Judgment, and [the truth] that theological matters do not transcend reason, he was not ashamed, but some others were that they had done so. I then mentioned that this is the male whom the woman brought forth, and whom the dragon wished to devour, and on account of whom he persecuted the woman, -Rev. xii. He could only reply, that it does indeed seem to be so, but that he does not wish to know it.

Afterwards, that former Bishop betook himself to a certain devil, with whom he stayed for two days, and consulted how he might slay me, as they slew the more stubborn deceitful ones: they tried, but in vain. He has communication with the Moravians in the desert. 2Thus he became a devil, together with many others who have confirmed themselves in that detestable doctrine concerning faith, which swarms with enormous falsities.

It was also disclosed in what manner other priests were employed to destroy that work, 3which also brought it to pass that it was utterly rejected, when yet those things are from the Lord out of heaven.

All those priests were brought together, and judged according to their doctrine and their life according thereto.


1. The "five works" here referred to would seem to be Heaven and Hell, and the four small treatises on The Lord, The Sacred Scripture, Life, and Faith mentioned in n, 6098, above. It hence becomes probable that the "former Bishop" mentioned in the present place, is the same with "The English Bishop" described in n, 6098. -TR.

2. Possibly the ones referred to in 6099:7, above. -TR.

3. That is, Heaven and Hell. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 6101 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6101 [.] De Episcopis quibusdam Angliae

Erat quidam qui eruditus et doctus prae reliquis putatus est dum vixit in mundo, qui inter suos varia loquutus est cum Rege de ejus religione, Rex enim dixit quod cogitet de Domino, ut suo Deo, et quod vita charitatis non separari possit a fide, Episcopus vero contradixit, inde inter suos de Rege varia loquutus quoad religionem, quasi ut vellet excitare illos ad aliquid, hoc fassus est in mundo spirituali; fassus est se non cogitavisse de Domino nisi ut de Homine, erat semisocinianus. Examinatus quid sciret in Theologia, et non scivit aliud quam confirmationes fidei receptae tum pro operatione Divina per fidem usque ad voluntatem, a qua se elevat; dictum ei est, "sic homo posset facere quicquid vult," dixit "quicquid vult, modo non contra leges civiles," dixi si evitat poenas legis civilis, num sit peccatum, dixit quod sit peccatum contra proximum, sed non contra Deum, et quod se reconciliare debeat proximo propter utile, absit propter salutem, dixi quod sic Macchiavellistae sint, negavit, quia agnoscit Deum et Verbum, num sic in furtis, si evitant poenas, num malum illi post mortem, negavit modo fidem habeat: quidam alius episcopus Angliae, qui secum fovit fidem, quod charitas et fides non separari possint, non charitas interna, sed externa seu actualis, hic examinavit religiosum de sola fide, et invenit quod non ullum verum in omni theologia eorum esset, ne quidem unum, hoc retulit et demonstravit coram priori Episcopo, et coram aliis sacerdotibus Angliae, qui quia [is] ex coelo loquebatur, non potuerunt respondere quicquam.

[2] Postea prior ille Episcopus narravit quomodo 5 opera de coelo et inferno et reliqua [vide [6098] ], quae dono data sunt omnibus omnibus Lords reformatis in Parlamento, quomodo ille imprimis sugillavit illa, vituperando blasphemando cum reliquis tandem delevit omnem ejus lectionem, usque ut prorsus rejecerint illa; quid loquutus cum illis etiam narravit, tum aliquid quid aliis, tunc varias ratiocinationes de illis; cum dictum est illi quod non meum opus sit sed Domini qi voluit revelare quale coelum infernum qualis vita hominis post mortem de ultimo Judicio, tum quod theologica non transcendant, non puduit illum, sed aliquos alios, quod ita fecerint; tum [cum] narravi quod hoc sit masculus quem mulier peperit quem draco voluit devorare propter quem persecutus est mulierem, Apoc. XII, non potuit aliud respondere, quam quod quidem videatur ita esse, sed quod non velit id scire.

[3] Postea prior ille Episcopus contulit se ad quendam diabolum, apud quem per binos dies sedit, et consultavit quomodo me necare posset, qui nexuerunt dolosas machinationes, tentati sed incassum. Communicationem habet cum Moravianis in deserto: ita ille factus est diabolus, cum multis aliis qui confirmaverunt se in detestabili illa doctrina de fide, quae scatet falsis enormibus.

[4] Quomodo subordinati sint alii sacerdotes ad destruendum illud opus, etiam detectum est, quod etiam illum effectum habebat, ut prorsus rejectum esset, cum tamen sunt illa ex Domino e coelo.

[5] Omnes illi sacerdotes adducti sunt, et judicati sunt secundum doctrinam suam et vitam secundum illam.

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