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《灵界经历》 第6104节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6104

6104. [numbered by Tr.] The English doctrine of faith

Many priests were called together and split up, and the simple ones removed. The learned ones were then asked what the nature of their faith is and they said that faith produces charity, or good works, but through the holy spirit. When a person feels this operation and from a perception of the operation of the holy spirit does good, then it is good, but if the person does not perceive it and does good, then, if they do it properly, it can certainly be called good, but still, coming from the person, it draws the quality of meritoriousness, and it is this alone that moves the will. Asked whether a person can receive faith just before death if they have not done so earlier, they said that faith can bring this about, but they did not know how.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6104


Many priests were called together, and divided, and the simple minded ones removed. The learned ones were then asked what was the nature of their faith; and they said that faith produces charity, or good works, but through the Holy Spirit; that when man feels that operation, and, from a perception of the operation by the Holy Spirit, does good, then that is good; but if he does not perceive it, and does good, then, if he does it rightly, it may indeed be called good, but yet it derives from man the quality that there is merit in it; also, that this, only, moves the will. Being asked whether men can receive faith at the hour of death, if they have not done so before, they said that faith can accomplish this, but they know not how.

Experientiae Spirituales 6104 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6104 [.] Doctrina anglicana de fide

Convocati sunt plures sacerdotes, et divisi, ac simplices remoti, tunc docti interrogati qualis illorum fides est, et dixerunt quod fides operetur charitatem seu bona opera, sed per spiritum sanctum, quando homo sentit illam operationem, et ex perceptione operationis a spiritu sancto facit bonum, quod tunc id bonum sit, at si non percipit id, et bonum facit, tunc si recte facit illud, tunc quidem potest dici bonum, sed usque trahit ex homine, quod sit meritum in illo, et quod hoc modo voluntatem moveat: interrogati num fidem possint recipere [mox] ante mortem, si non prius, dixerunt quod fides hoc possit operari, sed non sciant quomodo.

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