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《灵界经历》 第6103节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6103

6103. [numbered by Tr.] About the English, and about adulteries

There was a city of English people, a significant one, a little to the left at a certain height, that was admonished to recede from faith alone and the collective inflow from heaven coming from it, the faith that their preachers held. But the preachers prevailed; consequently they did not wish to recede; so those who did recede were brought out of there, and after this their city together with the inhabitants who did not recede sank down very deep.

[2] After this a great purification took place among the English in their societies. All those who had committed adulteries as allowable were cast down into hell. I then saw many of the more eminent of them, who are called Lords, who led the beautiful wives of others from [their] husbands to their property, called Estates, and afterwards committed adultery with them, some for months, some for half a year, and afterwards sent them back. I have seen many of these thrown into hell. It was said that such outrageous behavior is common among the richer of them. And I was told many things about this, which it is not permissible to publicize, also that as a result the wives are rejected by the husbands and become prostitutes, and that this happens for the most part with the husbands' consent or connivance because of the desire for wealth. They want to do the same in the spiritual world, but then they are severely punished if they try, and if they do commit adultery they are cast into hell. More than a hundred such Lords were seen at that time and place. It was said that they do this with wives, but not with others, because they call these whores, which makes it adultery.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6103


There was a town of English population - a notable one, at a certain elevation a little to the left, - which was admonished to recede from faith alone and everything of the influx of heaven therefrom, which their preachers held. But the preachers prevailed, consequently they were unwilling to recede. Wherefore, those who did recede were removed thence, and afterwards their town, with the inhabitants, sank down to a very great depth.

Afterwards, a great purification took place among the English in their societies; and, then, all those who committed adulteries from wantonness were cast down into hells. I then saw many of the more eminent ones of them, who are called "lords," who took away the beautiful wives of others, from their husbands, to their own possessions, which are called "Estates," and there committed adultery with them - some for a month, some for half a year - and afterwards let them go. I saw many of these cast into hell. It was said that such villainy is common among the richer of them; and they related to me many things - which it is not permitted to divulge - respecting that matter and, also, that thus those women are discarded by their husbands, and become prostitutes; and that it all occurs for the most part with the consent, or connivance, of the husband, by reason of the desire of gain. They wish to behave similarly in the spiritual world; but they are then severely punished if they attempt it, and if they commit it, are cast down into hell. Over a hundred such lords were seen at that time and place. It was stated that they do this with wives, but not with other women, for they call them whores: wherefore, it is adultery.

Experientiae Spirituales 6103 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6103 [.] De Anglis aliqua, et de adulteriis

Erat urbs ex gente Anglica, insignis paulo ad sinistrum in quadam altitudine, quae admonita ut recederet a sola fide et omni influxu coeli inde, quam praedicatores eorum tenebant, sed praedicatores praevaluerunt, inde non recedere volebant, quare inde exemti sunt, qui recedebant, et postea subsidit urbs cum habitatoribus illorum admodum profunde.

[2] Postea purificatio magna facta est apud Anglos in eorum societatibus, et tunc omnes illi qui adulteria ex licito commiserunt, dejecti sunt in inferna, vidi tunc plures ex illis eminentiores, qui vocantur Lords, qui aliorum uxores pulchras a maritis abduxerunt in suas possessiones, quae vocantur Estates, et ibi cum illis adulterati sunt, quidam per mensem, quidam per dimidium annum, et postea remiserunt illas, illos vidi plures in infernum conjectos. Dictum est, quod tale facinus apud ditiores ex illis commune sit, et mihi retulerunt plura de ea re, quae non licet propalare. Tum etiam quod sic a maritis rejiciantur, et fiant meretrices, tum quod fiat ut plurimum cum mariti venia aut connivatione propter lucri cupidinem. Volunt similiter facere in mundo spirituali, sed tunc severe puniuntur; si tentant, et si committunt dejiciuntur in infernum. Tales Lords visi sunt ultra centum tunc et ibi. Dictum est, quod hoc faciant cum uxoribus, non autem cum aliis, quia has vocant scorta, quare adulterium est.

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