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《灵界经历》 第6107节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6107

6107. [numbered by Tr.] About Moses, who was seen

The Jews begged the Lord that Moses might be shown to them. He was therefore seen. He was at that time below in his own place where the ancients were, in a quiet state. He came also to me, and I spoke with him. He was a serious man. He said he seemed himself to be a man of 50, although in the world he had been 120 years old, and he said that he had with him his 5 books and also the ancient Word. I asked him about the book of Jasher. He said he had seen it and said that this Word is still with the Ancients of his time and is read. And he also said that he knows about the Following Word that exists today, but he does not read it. I related some things from those things that he had written about in the 5 Books, and he was familiar with all as if it were present with him. 1764, the 3rd day of Dec.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6107


Jews entreated of the Lord that Moses might be shown to them. He was, therefore, seen. He was at that time in his own place, below, where the ancients are in a tranquil state. He also came to me, and I spoke with him. He was a grave man. He said that he appeared to himself to be a man of about 50 years of age, although in the world he had been 120 years; also, that he has with him his five Books, and also the Old Testament Word. I asked him about the book Jasher. He said that he has seen it; and he told me that that Word still exists with the ancients of his day, and is read; also, that he knows something about the succeeding Word 1which exists at this day, but does not read it. I recited some of those things which he had written concerning certain ones in the 5 Books; and he acknowledged them all, just as though they were present to him. 1764, 3rd December.


1. That is, presumably, the Word of the New Testament. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 6107 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6107 [.] De Mose qui visus

Judaei petebant a Domino ut Moses illis ostenderetur, qui ideo visus est, erat tunc infra in suo loco ubi antiqui, in statu quieto, venit etiam ad me et loquutus sum cum illo, erat vir serius, dixit quod videatur sibi esse circiter 50 annorum vir, tametsi in mundo fuerat 120 annorum; et quod apud se habeat suos 5 libros, et quoque Verbum vetustum, quaesivi illum de libro Jaschar, dixit quod viderit, et narravit quod illud Verbum adhuc apud Antiquos sui temporis sit, et legatur. Tum quod sciat de Verbo Insequente quod hodie est, sed non legat illud. Retuli aliqua ex illis quae scripserat de aliquibus in 5 Libris, et agnovit omnia, tanquam ei praesentia. 1764, die 3 Dec.

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