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《灵界经历》 第6108节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6108

6108. [numbered by Tr.] About the two prophets in Rev. 11

A remarkable change took place in the spiritual world. Those, both above and at the side and below me, the greater part of whom have faith alone, were gathered together and given the opportunity to flow into my cerebrum. As a result I became such that I could not lift my head, and this went on for 3 days; and to those who were in the city they called Jerusalem, I seemed as if I were dead in the street. They looked in and they cheered, but afterwards this city and all those who were of this [belief in] faith alone were separated and sent into their own places.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6108


A remarkable change took place in the spiritual world. There was a gathering of persons, consisting for the most part of those who were in faith alone, both above, and at the side, and beneath me; and the power of flowing into my brain was granted them. Thereupon, I became so that I was not able to raise my head, and this for three and a half days; and it seemed to those who were in the city, which they had called Jerusalem, as if I were dead in the street. They looked, and rejoiced; but afterwards, that city, and all who were of that faith alone, were dissolved, and the inhabitants dispatched to their own places.

Experientiae Spirituales 6108 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6108 [.] De duobus prophetis in Apoc. XI

Facta est insignis mutatio in mundo spirituali, congregati sunt quoad plurem partem illi qui in sola fide, tam supra quam ad latus et infra me, et data illis copia influendi in cerebrum meum, unde factus sum talis, ut non possem attollere caput, et hoc per 3 dies, et visus sum illis qui in urbe quam vocaverant Hierosolymam, tanquam mortuus in platea, spectabant, laetabantur, sed postea urbs illa et omnes qui e sola illa fide divisi sunt, et missi in sua loca.

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