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《灵界经历》 第6109节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6109

6109. [numbered by Tr.] About those who constitute the soles of the feet, and those who are beneath them

I was given the opportunity to see those who make up the Toenails. They are those who praise and find fault without understanding, yet are not evil.

[2] Those who make the right sole near the big toe [are] spenta stickor 1; and with their skill they create light outdoors from which they have light in their rooms.

[3] Those who constitute the middle of the sole of the foot make beautiful leather which they sell [and] from which they make sma scatuller, wackra 2.

[4] Those who constitute the heel make talglius 3which they sell [and] from which those who live there have candles. They can make lights that last virtually forever and that last but a short time. The light of candles is from these spirits.

[5] The ones beneath the sole of the foot are newsmongers: They ask about what is new everywhere and relate it to others. They have communication with those who are on the top of the brain. I felt that communication. There is a large number [of them].

I heard those who make up the nails singing, or rather, in their own way confessing the Lord, and also those who are beneath the nails. And they were loved by all, and gifts were given to them that they carried back to their companions.


1. Swedish for "wooden matches"

2. Swedish for small purses for valuables, attractive ones.ԍ

3. Swedish for "tallow candles"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6109


It was granted me to see those who constitute the Nails, who are those who praise and blame without understanding, yet are not evil.

Those who constitute the right sole near the great toe, make lucifer matches, 1and by their art cause them to shine in-doors. From these they have light in their rooms.

Those who constitute the middle of the sole, make beautiful parchments, which they sell, out of which the people make smart little purses. 2

Those who constitute the heel, make tallow-lights 3which they sell: those who dwell there use these for candles. They are able to make lamps, which last almost forever, and some which do not last so long. Their light is that of candles.

Those who are under the sole of the foot, are scandal-mongers. They seek, or ferret out news, everywhere, and relate it to others. Their communication is with those things which are in the top of the brain. I felt the communication. They are very numerous.

I heard those who constitute the nails, singing, or in their way confessing the Lord, and also those who are under the nails; and they are beloved by all. Gifts were presented to them which they carried back to their companions.


1. The original, here, is Swedish, - sponta stickor.

2. Swedish, sma scatuller, wachra.

3. The original, here, is Swedish, - talglius.

Experientiae Spirituales 6109 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6109 [.] De illis qui constituunt plantas pedum, et qui sub illis

Datum est videre illos qui faciunt Ungues, qui sunt qui laudant et vituperant absque intellectu, non mali usque.

[2] Qui faciunt plantam dextram prope pollicem spenta stickor 1

, et faciunt sua arte, ut luceant in foris, ex quibus in cameris est lux illis.

[3] Qui medium plantae constituunt, faciunt pulchras membranas, quas vendunt ex quibus faciunt sma scatuller, wackra 2


[4] Qui calcaneum constituunt, faciunt talglius 3

, quas vendunt, ex quibus illi qui ibi habitant habent candelas, possunt facere lucernas quae durant paene semper, et quae durant brevius: lux candelarum est illis.

[5] Qui sub planta pedis sunt, illi sunt novalistae, confiteri Dominum, et quoque illos qui sub unguibus, et amati ab omnibus, et dona illis data sunt, quae ad consocios suos retulerunt.


1. = liigna scissa (verba suecica)

2. = parvas crumenas, pulchras (verba suecica)

3. = candelas ex sebo (vox suecica)

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