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《灵界经历》 第623节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 623

623. Moreover, they are divinely guarded from falling into distorted opinions concerning the one only Lord, both by means of penalties, and by threats and warnings; and if perchance any did fall into them, they are banished from society. On an earth such as this, things of that kind cannot fail to be rooted out, and if any families should backslide, they would be utterly removed. For to these, death is announced, which takes place for the most part by the uplifting of their spirit by spirits, and rarely by illnesses, as on our earth. So they are raised up, as they say, into heaven, nor do they call this dying, but being heaven-made.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 623

623. Moreover, it is divinely guarded, both by punishments and by threats and admonitions, lest any should fall into depraved opinions concerning the One Only Lord; and if perchance any should so fall they are banished from the society. On such a planet it cannot but be that they who [adopt] such opinions are banished. And if any families are so inclined, they are removed entirely; for death is announced to them, which happens for the most part by taking away their breath, and rarely by disease as on our planet. Thus they are carried off into heaven, as they say, nor do they call it dying, but rather, being heaven-made.

Experientiae Spirituales 623 (original Latin 1748-1764)

623. Praeterea cavetur divinitus ne aliqui labantur in pravas opiniones de unico Domino, tam per poenas, quam per minas, et admonitiones, et si forte cecidissent aliqui ii exterminantur a societate, in tali tellure non potest esse, quin 1

similia extirpentur, et si aliquae familiae inclinarent, quod tollerentur funditus, nam iis mors denuntiatur, et fit utplurimum per ablationem spiritus eorum, per spiritus et raro per morbos, ut in nostra tellure: ita auferuntur, ut dicunt, in coelum, nec vocant id mori, sed potius coelificari.


1. The Manuscript has ut et in J.F.I. Tafel's edition qui

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