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《灵界经历》 第624节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 624

624. Neither can their better spirits easily be together with the spirits of our earth, but must live separately. For they derive a different character from a different life, implanted by parents through the ages. As a result, they have an altogether different life, consequently a different nature that is closely associated with the heavenly ones, as observed before [564] when a rainbow was portrayed among the angels of their inward heaven. 1And now, because their nature is closely joined to the heavenly ones, figuratively as the colors of the rainbow [are joined], and the natures of [their spirits and ours], being from a different root, are divergent, neither can the inward angels [of the two earths] be associated together.

These are their angels who love golden sky blue. They do not want to allow the word Spiritual - as I now observe, because they are guiding my thoughts, thus my hand - for they say they do not want to know what is spiritual, but only what is heavenly. Many of them are guardian spirits, which is due to the fact that they speak little [cf. 598], but they do think, and their thoughts consequently derive from feelings.


1. See 262, footnote 3.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 624

624. Their better spirits cannot easily be together with the spirits of our earth, but they have to live separately. For they derive a different disposition from a different kind of life implanted by parents through the ages, so that they have an altogether different life. Consequently they have a different nature which is consociated with celestial things, as was noted [n. 564 at the representation of the rainbow among the angels of their interior heaven; and because their nature is then consociated with celestial things, representatively as the colors of the rainbow, and the nature of each, being from a different root, is diverse, the interior angels cannot be consociated. These are their angels who love a golden blue [see n. 535. They are unwilling to admit the word "spiritual", as I now observe, for they lead my thoughts and thus my hand; for they say they do not want to know what is spiritual, but only what is celestial. They are for the most part genii, which is due to their speaking little, but they think, and their thoughts are thus drawn from their affections.

Experientiae Spirituales 624 (original Latin 1748-1764)

624. Spiritus eorum meliores nec possunt cum spiritibus nostrae telluris facile simul esse, sed distincte vivere debent, nam aliam indolem trahunt ab alia vita, implantata a parentibus per aeva, sic ut prorsus alia iis vita sit, proinde alia iis natura, quae cum coelestibus consociatur, ut notum ad repraesentationem iridis, in angelis eorum interioris coeli, et quia natura tunc consociatur coelestibus, repraesentative, ut colores iridis, et natura utriusque a radice alia, est diversa, nec angeli interiores consociari possunt. Ii sunt eorum angeli, qui coeruleum aureum amant, vocem Spirituale non volunt admittere, ut observo nunc, quia ducunt cogitata, sic manum, nam quid spirituale ajunt 1

se non velle scire, sed modo quod coeleste; sunt plerique genii, quod fit, quia parum loquuntur [cf [598], sed cogitant, et cogitata sic ab affectionibus ducuntur.


1. The Manuscript has ajant ut videtur

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