628. 1Continuation on the spirits of the inhabitants of Jupiter
From their method of chastising their people, it is evident that their angels exercise a kind of judgment upon a person, or that they judge their people, and their spirits also. For as said, they stand by, control the punishers, moderating or allowing, so that a kind of judgment can be ascribed to them. Nevertheless, they had been clearly told that while they may think they are judging, yet the Lord Alone is judge, and that He so moderates their lives that they know no otherwise but that it is they who are judging.
1. In the manuscript this number appears to be deleted.
From their method of chastising men it can be evident that their angels have a kind of judgment upon men, or that they judge men and also spirits, for as was said [n. 622, they are present, govern the punishers, moderate, and permit; wherefore a kind of judgment can be predicated of them. Nevertheless, it was plainly said to them that they suppose that they themselves judge, but that the Lord alone is the Judge, and He so moderates their lives that they know no otherwise than that they do so themselves.
628. Continuatio de spiritibus incolarum Jovis
Ex methodo castigandi homines, constare potest, quod angeli eorum speciem judicationis habeant super hominem, seu quod judicent homines, tum etiam spiritus, nam, ut dictum, adstant, regunt punitores, moderantur, permittunt, quare praedicari potest de iis, species judicii, sed usque iis manifeste dictum fuit, quod ii putent se judicare, sed quod Solus Dominus judex sit, et sic moderetur eorum vitas, ut non aliter sciant, quam quod ii sint.
1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has 628 deletum