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《灵界经历》 第636节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 636

636. Who spirits are, and what they are like, can also be recognized from the quarter [they are in]

When spirits and angels have acted, whether from afar or nearby, I was able to know where they were, or in what quarter in relation to my face, howsoever my face was turned; for the directions are determined by the face. Those who are at the right side, obliquely toward the front, are good; those obliquely toward the left are evil. Far from there toward the left, lower down, is Gehenna; toward the front a little more to the right, is a swamp; beneath the feet is the earth of the lower ones, towards the left is hell. Above the head are those who boast, and who raise themselves up in fantasy, the higher the haughtier, where they are likewise arranged according to the quarters.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 636


When spirits and angels act, whether from afar or nearby, it could be known where they were, or in what quarter in relation to my face, howsoever my face was turned, for directions are taken from the face. Those who are at the right hand side, obliquely towards the front, are good; those who are obliquely towards the left are evil. Hence, beneath at a distance to the left is Gehenna. Towards the front, a little more to the right, is the lake. Beneath the feet is the earth of lower things. Towards the left is hell. Above the head are those who are proud, and who raise themselves on high by phantasy; the higher they are, the more haughty are they. They are there also arranged according to quarters.

Experientiae Spirituales 636 (original Latin 1748-1764)

636. Quinam et quales spiritus sint, quod etiam ex plagis cognosci possit

Quando spiritus et angeli agunt, sive e longinquo seu prope, cognosci potuit, ubinam essent, seu in qua plaga versus faciem meam, utcunque facies erat versa, nam directiones sumuntur a facie: qui ad latus dextrum antrorsum oblique, sunt boni, qui oblique sinistrorsum sunt mali; inde procul a sinistro, inferius est Gehenna, antrorsum dexterius paulum, est stagnum, sub pedibus est terra inferiorum, sinistrorsum est infernum: supra caput sunt ii qui superbiunt, et phantasia se evehunt, quo altius eo fastuosiores, ibi etiam dispositi ad plagas.

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