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《灵界经历》 第639节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 639

639. 1About the spirits highest up in heaven

I also became aware of spirits who, because they were in the highest part, above where the dragon was, made me wonder who they were. Speculating that they were such or such - knowing that the higher the place to which they lift themselves up by fantasy, the more wicked they are, because the more haughty - I was told that they were demons, who exert an influence, not by spoken words, but maliciously and very cunningly by an inflow of evil desires, which I have also experienced. They streamed in with concealed malice so great that I could hardly be held back.

I was told that they are not let loose or do not act freely, because they have the serpent's poison stored up very deeply within them, but are kept bound up there - although not there, but in hell. For, as was also told and shown to them, only their fantasy is there, while they are in Gehenna. Moreover, when they wanted to be let loose, different spirits were attached to them, who tempered them to keep them from pouring forth their poisons. About this they complained - and also about being compelled to speak, which they are reluctant to do because they want to operate in hiding, or secretly. 1748, 3 February.


1. 638 has been placed after 635, in accordance with the author's instructions.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 639


Spirits were also perceived by me who were at a great height, and above where the dragon is. I wondered who they were, and I conjectured that they were spirits of this or that kind, knowing that the higher the place to which they raise themselves by their own phantasy, the more malignant they are, because the more haughty I was told that they were genii who inflow not by speech, but malignantly and most deceitfully by the influx of evil cupidities. I also have experienced this, for they inflowed by such hidden malice that I could scarcely withstand them. It was reported to me that they are not released, yet they act freely because they hide the poison of the serpent quite deeply. But they are there held bound, although they are not there but in hell, for they are in Gehenna, and it is only their phantasy that they are there on high, as was also said and shown them. Moreover, when they wanted to be released other spirits were adjoined to them who tempered them so that they could not pour out their poisons, concerning which they complained. They also complained that they were driven to speak, which they do unwillingly, because they want to act in some lurking place, or in secret. 1748, Feb. 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 639 (original Latin 1748-1764)

639. De spiritibus altissime in coelo


Mihi etiam percepti sunt spiritus, [qui] quia in altissimo essent, et supra ubi draco, miratus quinam essent, et conjectans quod illi vel alii--id 2

sciens, quod quo altiori sede semet phantasia elevant, eo maligniores sint, quia fastuosiores--dictum 3

mihi, quod ii essent genii, qui non per loquelam, sed per influxum malarum cupiditatum maligne et dolosissime influunt, quod etiam expertus, quod ita per malitias abditas influerent, ut vix sustineri potuissem, ii mihi perhibebatur, quod non solvantur, sed libere agant, quia serpentis abditius venenum recondunt, sed ibi vincti tenentur, quamvis non ibi, sed in inferno, nam, modo phantasia eorum ibi est, quod iis etiam dictum et monstratum, suntque in Gehenna; praeterea, cum solvi vellent, adjuncti sunt iis alii spiritus, qui temperabant eos, ne effundere possent venena sua, de quo conquesti, tum quod adigerentur ad loquendum, quod faciunt invito, quia in latibulo seu clam volunt agere. 1748, 3 Febr.


1. 638 posuimus secundum auctoris indicium post 635

2. The Manuscript has alii, id

3. The Manuscript has fastuosiores, dictum

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