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《灵界经历》 第640节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 640

640. It was surmised that these were the worst of them, who in bodily life had striven to own the heaven of our Savior, by their own power, and had thus misled the innocent. They were said to have an influence, but one that was tempered in various ways. Even on the way, before their cunning or poison reached me, it was taken up by spirits in between, and thus also tempered.

These seem to be the ones who inspire the trickery in those whose ambition is to own heaven, or to possess all power in heaven and on earth. They are among the stars of the dragon and should rather be called "the beast of Babylon," spoken of in Revelation [17:3 and elsewhere].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 640

640. It was thought that the worst of them were they who during their life in the body had striven to possess the heaven of our Savior from their own power, and thus they deceived the innocent. They were said to have an influx, but one which was tempered in various ways. Before their deceit or poison reached me it was taken up by intermediate spirits along the way, and was thus also tempered. These seem to be those who inspire deceits into such as strive after heaven, that is, that they may possess all power in heaven and on earth. They are among the stars of the dragon, who are more rightly to be called "the Babylonish beast". concerning which see the Apocalypse.

Experientiae Spirituales 640 (original Latin 1748-1764)

640. Autumabatur, quod essent eorum pessimi, qui in vita corporis affectarunt coelum Salvatoris nostri possidere, et 1

quidem ex propria potestate, et sic illuserint innocentes; influxum dicebantur habere, sed qui temperaretur diversimode. In via etiam antequam venit dolus eorum seu venenum ad me, etiam sublatum est a mediis spiritibus, et sic quoque temperatum. Ii videntur esse, qui dolos inspirant iis, qui affectant coelum seu quod possideant potestatem 2

omnem in coelo et in terra; suntque inter stellas draconis, quique potius vocandi "bestia babylonica," de qua in Apocalypsi [XVII: 3 et passim].


1. The Manuscript has possedere; o et

2. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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