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《灵界经历》 第658节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 658

658. About the passion for stealing

Those who in their bodily life had coveted the possessions of others and [sought to obtain them] by various tricks, either business dealings or other means which they justified before men as allowable, in the other life go about and continually seek to take away the goods of others. When they approach spirits like themselves, or different, those spirits recognize their character at once, and with a fine or a lashing, throw them out. So they wander about, seeking, and wherever they go they are punished by whippings or other methods. Spirits like these have come to me several times, complaining, and I learned that they had been businessmen - even, to my surprise, well-known ones.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 658


Those who in the life of the body have hankered after the goods of others, and [have obtained them] by various artifices which they have explained before men as allowable, whether by trading or by other means, in the other life go about and continually seek to take away the goods of others. When they come alongside similar or different spirits, their genius is at once recognized and they are cast out with penalties and blows. So they wander about, seeking, and everywhere they are punished with whips, or in other ways. Such spirits sometimes came to me and complained, and I recognized that they had been traders, even famous ones, at which I wondered.

Experientiae Spirituales 658 (original Latin 1748-1764)

658. De cupiditate furandi

Ii, qui in vita corporis inhiarunt bonis alienis, et quidem per varia artificia, quae explicarunt coram hominibus ut licita, sive per negotiationes, sive per alia media, ii in altera vita circumeunt, et jugiter quaerunt aliorum bona sub trahere; cum ad spiritus similes vel alios appellunt, tunc cognoscunt illico genium eorum, ac eos cum mulcta 1

aut plaga ejiciunt, sic vagantur et quaerunt, et ubivis mulctantur verberibus, vel aliis modis, tales ad me aliquoties venerunt, et conquesti sunt, et agnovi quod negotiatores, etiam famigerati fuerint, quod miratus.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition multa; the Manuscript has mucta ut apparet

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