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《灵界经历》 第663节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 663

663. Indeed, it is true both of man, and of the newly arrived soul, that there is nothing whatever except evil coming from themselves. In any thinking or acting from oneself, it is impossible to conceive of anything so small and insignificant that it is not evil. In fact, it is evil when one thinks about wanting to do good from oneself, or wants to turn oneself [to God]. And sometimes I have been so distressed that I did not know what I should think or do that was from myself, that would not be evil. So also were the spirits distressed, as they clearly showed, and acknowledged.

It is different when one does this from innocence, for then the Lord is guiding, and whatever is from the Lord in a person is good. 1748, 6 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 663

663. Indeed such is a man and a soul, that from self there is nothing whatever but evils, so that in the thought or in the action which is from self, nothing can be thought, however small and minute which is not evil. Indeed it is evil when he thinks from himself to will to do good, or to will to convert himself. And sometimes I have been so anxious that I did not know what I should think, and what I should do, that would not be evil and from myself. It is the same in the case of spirits, as was manifestly shown and acknowledged. It is otherwise when one does this from innocence; then the Lord moderates, for whatever is from the Lord in man is good. 1748, Feb. 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 663 (original Latin 1748-1764)

663. Imo talis est homo et anima, ut ne hilum nisi malum sit quod ex semet, sic ut non cogitari tam parvum et paucum, in cogitatione, in actione [possit] 1

, quod a semet, quod non malum sit, imo hoc malum est, quum cogitat a semet velle facere bonum, velle se convertere, et quandoque tam anxius fui, ut nesciverim quid cogitarem, et quid facerem quod non esset malum, quod a memet, sic etiam spiritus, sicut mani feste ostensum est, et agnitum; aliter dum id ex innocentia agit, tunc 2

Dominus moderatur, nam quicquid ex Domino id bonum in homine. 1748, 6 Febr.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

2. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition tum

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