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《灵界经历》 第664节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 664

664. About the dreams of spirits

I awoke in a dream, and there appeared to me one spirit who kept on with the dream. From this I was able to learn the state of spirits in dreams, which is not really different from man's, for the still remaining outward and bodily elements in a spirit quiet down like the bodily elements in us do in sleep. I saw this plainly, for he could not fix his attention upon anything except what was going on at the time in his mind. He was speaking, as though not knowing that he spoke. His outer elements were sleeping, his inner ones thus [active] in the dream. 1748, 7 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 664


I wakened during a dream, and there appeared to me a spirit who still continued the dream. I could thence observe the state of spirits in dreams, which is scarcely different from that of man. For the exterior or corporeal things which remain in the spirit are quiescent, like the corporeal things of man in sleep, as I manifestly perceived; for this spirit could pay attention to nothing whatever except to that which was then being turned over in his "animus". He was talking as though he did not know that he was talking; his externals were asleep, his internals were thus in a dream. 1748, Feb. 7.

Experientiae Spirituales 664 (original Latin 1748-1764)

664. De somniis spirituum

Evigilavi in somnio, et mihi apparuit unus spiritus, qui adhuc continuabat somnium, inde appercipere potui statum spirituum in somniis, qui non est alius fere ac hominis, nam exteriora seu corporea, quae residua sunt in spiritu, quiescunt, sicut corporea hominis in somno, quod manifeste percepi, nam nullam attentionem potuit habere ad quicquam praeter ad id quod versabatur tunc 1

in ejus animo, loquens erat, tanquam non sciens se loqui, externa dormiebant, interna sic in somnio. 1748, 7 Febr.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition tum

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