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《灵界经历》 第668节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 668

668. Nevertheless, the state of mind of souls and angels changes as they are perfected, so they are transferred to better positions in the same member or province, in fact even to different provinces that are nobler. For there is a continual purification, and as I may call it, new creation, nor can ever any angel arrive at perfection itself, to eternity. The Lord Alone is Perfect, or Perfection Itself.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 668

668. But still the states of souls or of angels are changed and perfected; thus they are removed into better situations in the same member or province, and even into other provinces which are more noble. For there is continual purification, and as I may say, new creation, nor can any angel to eternity ever reach perfection itself. The Lord alone is Perfect, or Perfection Itself.

Experientiae Spirituales 668 (original Latin 1748-1764)

668. Sed usque mutantur animarum seu angelorum status, ac perticiuntur, ita in meliores sedes 1

ejusdem membri seu provinciae transponuntur, imo etiam in alias, quae nobiliores sunt; nam continua est purificatio, ac ut ita dicam, nova creatio, nec usquam aliquis angelus ad perfectionem ipsam venire potest, in aeternum, Dominus Solus est Perfectus, seu Ipsa Perfectio.


1. In the Manuscript primum emendavit auctor meliores in meliorem tunc lo[cum] scripsit delevitque sed emendatianem meliorem in meliores omisit

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