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《灵界经历》 第674节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 674

674. About the millennium

I have also spoken with those in heaven about the "thousand years" in Revelation [672], who are in the inward heaven. 1These are certain that they will remain there and that many will be admitted into the more inward heavens. Thus the first resurrection is for those who have something of nature joined to their spiritual part, so that they may live, and have lived, in heavenly pleasure.


1. See 262 and footnote 3.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 674


I also spoke with those in heaven concerning the thousand years mentioned in the Apocalypse [ xx 2-7. They said that a thousand years did not signify any certain or fixed number of years, thus a thousand, but a long time; and that by the "first resurrection" are meant those spoken of just above who are in the interior heaven. These are certain that they are going to remain there, and that many of them are to be admitted into the more interior heavens; so that the "first resurrection" is for those with whom the natural is joined to the spiritual. They live, and have lived, in heavenly delight.

Experientiae Spirituales 674 (original Latin 1748-1764)

674. De mille annis

Etiam cum iis in coelo loquutus sum de "mille annis" in Apocalypsi [XX: 2-[7], qui dixerunt, quod mille anni non significent certum seu fixum numerum annorum seu mille, sed multum temporis, et quod per "resurrectionem primam" intelligantur ii, de quibus mox prius [672], qui in interiori coelo sunt, ii certi sunt quod mansuri multi in coelos intimiores admittendi, sic ut prima resurrectio 1

sit pro iis quibus naturale injunctum spirituali, [ut] in jucunditate coelesti vivant, et vixerint.


1. The Manuscript has resurectio

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