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《灵界经历》 第685节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 685

685. For in bodily life there are different objects that move the senses and arouse a person, even to distraction; and besides these there are desires, which are inner objects, that cling like glue or something sticky. When we are infected with these desires, then no matter what someone else says, we stick to our desires, that being what is generally dominant in us.

Therefore, a grasp of matters like that spoken of [684] cannot exist in a person while living in the body, but it exists in a soul upon arrival in the other life and joining in the company of others. I also told these things to the spirits around me, and they affirmed them. 1748, 8 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 685

685. For in the life of the body there are diverse objects which move the senses and excite man, and thus distract. Moreover, there are also cupidities, which are internal objects that inhere like glue or gum. When man is imbued with these cupidities, then, whatever another says adheres to those things which he desires, which generally is the ruling [love]. Hence such a perception of things cannot be given in man whilst he lives in the body, but it is given in a soul as soon as he comes into the other life and is in the company of others. These things I also told to the spirits around me, and they affirmed that it was so. 1748, Feb. 8.

Experientiae Spirituales 685 (original Latin 1748-1764)

685. In vita enim corporis, sunt objecta diversa, quae movent sensus, et excitant eum, sic distrahunt, praeterea etiam cupiditates, quae sunt objecta interna, quae inhaerent sicut gluten seu viscidum 1

; quum homo iis imbuitur, tunc quodcunque dicit alius, inhaeret iis, quae cupit, quod communiter est regnans; inde talis perceptio rerum non dari potest in homine dum vivit in corpore, sed datur in anima, ut primum in alteram vitam venit, et in consortio aliorum est; haec quoque dixi spiritibus circum me, affirmabantque. 1748, 8 Febr.


1. In the Manuscript d in viscidum imperfecte scriptum sed cum cauda visibili

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